山西省教师招聘考试真题试卷 中学英语.doc

山西省教师招聘考试真题试卷 中学英语.doc

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山西省教师招聘考试真题试卷 中学英语

2010年山西省教师招聘考试真题试卷 中学英语 一、单项选择题(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分。下列每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中,只有一项最符合题意,请将所选答案前的字母填在括号内。) ( )1.—Would you like to come to my house for dinner tonight? —____,but I’m too busy. A.No problem B.I’d love to C.Yes,I would D.Thank you all the same ( )2.—What happened to the saleswoman? —We don’t know.She____around here these days. A.hasn’t seen B.hasn’t been seen C.didn’t see D.hasn’t been seeing ( )3.It is____to say “Thank you” when you get something from others. A.a bad manner B.bad manners C.a good manner D.good manners ( )4.There is no____to the house from the main road. A.access B.avenue C.exposure D.edge ( )5.Considering your salary,you should be able to____at least twenty dollars a week. A.put forward B.put up C.put out D.put aside ( )6.The boy spent as much time watching TV as he____studying. A.does B.had C.was D.did ( )7.—____does your school hold the sports meeting? —Once a year. A.How soon B.How often C.How long D.How many ( )8.—How many other days will you stay in this hotel? —As it’s quite dirty and the service is not good,I don’t know____to stay for another day. A.whether B.when C.how D.where ( )9.This is a big class.And____of the students are girls. A.two third B.second three C.two thirds D.two three ( )10.It is often said that____teachers have____very easy life. A./;/ B./;a C.the;/ D.the;a ( )11.—Look at the lights in the lab! Who is there? —Oh,I forgot____. A.to turn them down B.to turn them off C.turning them down D.turning them off ( )12.Tom,you____play with the knife,you____hurt yourself. A.needn’t;can B.mustn’t;may C.shouldn’t;must D.can’t;should ( )13.Write____and try not to make any mistake. A.as careful as possible B.as carefully as you can


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