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科技与创新Science and technology and innovation 知识经济是以现代科学技术为核心,建立在知识和信息的生产、存储使用和消费之上的经济。The knowledge economy is take the modern science and technology as a core above, establishes in the knowledge and the information production, the memory uses and expends the economy. 知识经济的实质,在于以科技创新带动经济发展质的飞跃,其实质就是科技创新。The knowledge economy essence, lies in by the technical innovation impetus economy development qualitative leap, its essence is the technical innovation. 同传统的经济形态相比,知识经济的繁荣,不再取决于资源、资本和硬件的直接投入,而是依赖于知识积累和应用,将知识作为主要生产要素推动生产力的发展,并以科技创新能力来改变资源、资本的总量或增量,决定经济发展状况的模式。The same traditional economic form compares, the knowledge economy prosperity, no longer is decided by the resources, the capital and the hardware direct investment, but is relies on the knowledge accumulation and the application, the knowledge took the main element of production impetus productive forces the development, and changes the resources, the capital total quantity or the increase by the technical innovation ability, the decision economy development condition pattern. 科技创新的速度和方向将决定知识经济的成败。The technical innovation speed and the direction will decide the knowledge economy the success or failure. 人类每一次在科学技术上的重大飞跃,都会导致生产力获得划时代的进步,从而也进一步证实了邓小平同志“科学技术是第一生产力”这一伟大论断的远见卓识。The humanity each time in the science and technology significant leap, can cause the productive forces to make the epoch-making progress, thus also further confirmed Comrade Deng Xiaoping #8220;the science and technology is the first productive forces#8221; this great judgment foresight and sagacity. 一个国家只有保持科技创新方面的优势,才能为经济发展提供源源不竭的动力,并保持经济发展的领先地位。科技创新已成为一国经济生命的源泉。 A country only then the maintenance science and technology innovation aspect superiority, can provide the power for the economical development which does not use up in a steady stream, and maintains the economical development the leading status.The technical innovation has become a country economical life the fountainhead. 我国现有一些企业之所在在市场经济大潮中出现昙花一现,其重要原因就是缺乏持久的创新能力。Our country h


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