高中英语.外研社.BOOK6.Module 2 — Fantasy Literature.词语讲解.doc

高中英语.外研社.BOOK6.Module 2 — Fantasy Literature.词语讲解.doc

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高中英语.外研社.BOOK6.Module 2 — Fantasy Literature.词语讲解

词语讲解1 subtle: [ s?tl ] a. 微妙的,敏感的,精细的,狡猾的 例句与用法: 1. She has a subtle charm. 她有难以形容的魅力。 2. She has a very subtle mind. 她头脑敏锐。 3. He is a man of subtle and refined sensibility. 他是个感情细腻的男子。 4. There were subtle hints in his letter. 他的信中有些微妙的暗示。 5. I have noticed the subtle gradation in colour in this painting. 我已经注意到这幅画中色彩的层次。 6. Subtle lighting helps people relax. 光线暗淡有助於人们松弛精神. 7. Note the subtle gradation of/in colour in this painting. 注意这幅画中色彩的细微变化. vanish: [ v?ni? ] v. 消失,不见了 例句与用法: 1. Many types of animals have now vanished from the earth. 很多种类的动物现在已经从地球上绝迹了。 2. After the alien spacecraft had hovered over the park for a short time, it vanished. 那只外星来的宇宙飞船在公园上空盘旋了一会儿之后就不见了。 3. My prospects/hopes of success have vanished. 我的成功前景[希望]已破灭. 4. The thief vanished into the crowd. 那小偷消失在人群中. hesitate 踌躇,犹豫 例句与用法: 1. She hesitated to hurt the childs feelings. 她不想伤害孩子的感情。 2. I hesitated about taking his side until I knew the whole story. 我在完全了解事实真相后,才打消顾虑,支持他的立场。 3. She hesitated before replying. 她犹豫了一下才回答. 4. Id hesitate before accepting such an offer. 我得先斟酌一下, 才能决定是否接受这样的提议. 5. Dont hesitate to tell us if you have a problem. 你有问题就直截了当地告诉我们. 6. I hesitate to spend so much money on clothes. 我舍不得把这麽多钱花在穿衣服上. 7. She replied without hesitating. 她毫不犹豫地作了回答. 8. He hesitates at nothing. 他从不优柔寡断. doubt: [ daut ] n. 怀疑,疑惑 v. 怀疑,不信 例句与用法: 1. There is no doubt that we will be successful. 毫无疑问我们会成功的。 2. I doubt the truth of it. 我怀疑此事的真实程度。 3. He was troubled by religious doubt. 他因对宗教的疑惧而十分烦恼。 4. No doubt he means to help, but in fact he just gets in the way. 他确实是想帮忙,然而事实上却只是帮倒忙。 5. She was beyond all doubt the finest ballerina of her day. 她无疑是她那个时代最优秀的芭蕾舞演员。 6. I have no doubt that you will succeed. 我肯定你能成功. 7. There is (no) room for doubt. (没)有怀疑的余地. 8. I doubt if that was what he wanted. 不知道那是不是他想要的. 词语讲解2 direction: [ direk??


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