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gre 02-09年的真题

2006.06 Section 1 Although Heron is well known for the broad comedy in the movies she has directed previously, her new film is less inclined to______: the gags are fewer and subtler. (A) understatement (B) preciosity (C) symbolism (D) buffoonery (E) melodrama Bebop’s legacy is______ one: bebop may have won jazz the right to be taken seriously as an art form, but it______ jazz’s mass audience, which turned to other forms of music such as rock and pop. a mixed……..alienated (B) a troubled……..seduced (C) an ambiguous……….aggrandized (D) a valuable…….refined (E) a noble………pleased The exhibition’s importance lies in its______: curators have gathered a diverse array of significant works from many different museums. (A) homogeneity (B) sophistry (C) scope (D) farsightedness (E) insularity Despite the fact that the commission’s report treats a vitally important topic, the report will be______ read because its prose is so______ that understanding it require an enormous effort. seldom…….transparent carefully……..pellucid little……….turgid eagerly……..digressive widely…….prolix Carleton would still rank among the great______ of nineteenth-century American art event if the circumstance of her life and career were less______ than they are. celebrities……….obscure failures……..illustrious charlatans……impeccable enigmas……mysterious success……….ignominious Although based on an actual event, the film lacks______: the director shuffles events, simplifies the tangle of relationships, and ______documentary truth for dramatic power. conviction……..embraces expressiveness…..exaggerates verisimilitude…….sacrifices realism……….substitutes coherence……..utilizes When Adolph Ochs became the publisher of The New York Times, he endowed the paper with a uniquely______-tone, avoiding the ______editorials that characterized other major papers of the time. abstruse….scholarly dispassionate……..shrill argumentative…….tendentious whimsical…..capricious cosmopolitan…….timely


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