上海版牛津英语6B教案 Module 2 Relationships.doc

上海版牛津英语6B教案 Module 2 Relationships.doc

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上海版牛津英语6B教案 Module 2 Relationships

Module 2 Relationships Unit 1 Relatives The first period Content: P27~29 Language focus: Using formular expressions to express good wishes e.g. Happy Birthday! Materials: slides, cassette, and a cassette player. Steps: Procedure Contents Methods Purpose Pre-task preparation Review relatives Riddles Father’s father Father’s mother Father’s brother Father’s sister Father’s brother’s son Mother’s sister’s daughter While-task procedure Look and read Show a birthday card. Play the recording Look and read, the students listen and follow in their books. Talk about the birthday card. Invite different students to read the birthday card. Review the family roles: son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter, niece, nephew, and cousin. In pairs, complete Eddie’s birthday cards. Post-task procedure Workbook p18 Do the exercise. 教后感:本课主要搞清家庭关系,家庭成员之间的称呼,通过与中国的称呼作比较让学生能找到记忆的窍门,进行分角色表演,学生的积极性很是高,参与面较广。 The Second Period Content: P29~30 Language focus: Using nouns to indicate family roles Materials: slides, cassette, and a cassette player. Procedure Contents Methods Purpose Pre-task preparation Review Think and tick complete the table what’s Eddie? About you in your family, what are you? Complete the table. What’s your classmate? 复习上节课的内容 While-task procedure This is my ____. These are my ___. Your sister looks bigger than you. Show the students the photograph of your relatives. Here is a photograph of my relatives at____. This is my ____. These are my ____. 2. Invite different students to come to the front of the class with their photographs. Complete people in your or the students photographs. Introduce: bigger smaller older younger e.g. your sister looks bigger than you . 锻炼学生的口头表达能力 Post-task procedure Look and read play the recording look and read the students listen and repeat. ask questions: how old are Alice’s cousins? 教后感:复习上节课的内容,巩固知识点,本课重在锻炼学生的口头表达能力,小组进行,调动学生的积极性,较好的达到了教学目的。 The Third Period Content: P31 Language focus: Using adverbs to express


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