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澳洲佳-旅游英语26第二十六课: 寻工面试 A Job Interview(2)在这一讲中我们要继续学习寻工面试时会遇到的一些语言问题以及你在面试过程中可以向考官提出些什麽样的问题。在我们/study/学习新的课文之前先让我们一起来回顾一下上一课对话的内容。Justine: Come in, Bob. I’m Justine Asker, the manager. You can call me Justine.Bob: Pleased to meet you.Justine: Sit down. Firstly, Bob, can I ask which job you are applying for?Bob: I’m applying for the receptionist position.Justine: I see that you have a Diploma in Hospitality. Have you done anyfront desk work before?Bob: I have work?/w/experienceexperience?in front desk. You have my supervisor’sreport there. This will be my first paid position.Justine: And why do you want to work at the Plaza Hotel?Bob: Because it has a great reputation; not just for its service but as agood place to work.Justine: I’m glad to hear it.Justine: Bob, what strengths do you think you would bring to the job?Bob: Oh, ah. I am patient and I’ve been told I put clients at ease.Justine: Uh huh. And what do you see as your weaknesses?Bob: Do you mean, what am I not so good at?Justine: Yes.Bob: Well, I?/w/understandunderstand?English much better than I speak it at themoment. But I study at home and I look forward to learningmore on the job.Justine: Excellent.接下来让我们要学习新的对话内容,我会将这一部分的对话逐句译成中文。杰斯丁: 鲍勃,我现在想问你一个假设性的问题。 你愿意为了客人的缘故去冒险吗?Justine: Now, Bob, I’m going to ask you a hypothetical question. Would you?compromiseyour own safety for the comfort of your guests?鲍勃: 您是说就像勇敢的利奥那样为了捞起客人的帽子而跳入鲨鱼出没的海里吗?Bob: Do you mean, like the Legendary Leo, who jumped into sharkinfested waters to save a guest’s hat?杰斯丁: 诸如此类吧。Justine: Something like that.鲍勃: 如果我必须这样做的话,我可以做到。。。Bob: If I must.杰斯丁: 我想没有人会要求你做到这种程度的,鲍勃。利奥实在是一个与众不同的职员,但他的确太冲动了。Justine: I don’t think you would be expected to show that level ofenthusiasm, Bob. Leo was an exceptional worker, but veryimpetuous.鲍勃: 我想我会确保自己熟知与我这个工作岗位有关的健康安全条例并遵守酒店的相关程序。Bob: In that case, I would make sure I know the health and safetyrequirements associated with my position and follow hotel procedures.杰斯丁: 这非常好。Justine: Very good.在这段对话中杰斯丁向求职者问了一个


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