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Chapter One Fundamentals of Business Communication Teaching Objectives On completion of this Chapter, students should be able to: grasp the definition of communication; identify the importance of communication; understand the process of communication; identify the flow of communication; know how cultures influence communication and communication channel. The Points to Be Highlighted The Definition of Communication The Process of Communication The Flow of Communication Internal and External Communication The Influence of Culture on Communication Teaching Approaches and Facilities Approaches: 1. Pair/Group work 2. Discussion 3 Task-based approach 4. Communicative approach 5. Questions and answers…… Facilities: blackboard, video clip; media classroom; on-line research; Background Information 研究者、学术界关于沟通(communication)的界定不下百余种。要想给沟通下一个放之四海皆准的定义,实在是困难。因为在不同情境下,沟通必定表现出多样性特征。在此,我们把沟通定义为“人与人之间通过共同享有的象征意义、符号和行为等进行信息传递和思想交流的过程”。换言之,沟通即可以用表达感情、对话、通信、写作、倾听、和信息交流等词语表达的过程。 沟通的基本要素包括:(信息)发出者、(信息)接收者、编码、信息、渠道、噪音、解码、反馈和环境。下图反映了沟通的基本要素和过程。 Teaching Procedures and Contents Lead-in Read the following case and answer the questions. 1. Why didn’t the Taiwanese mention the memos that Judith had given to him? 2. Why did the Taiwanese want face-to-face communication instead of memos? A New Zealand consultant, Judith, thought memos would provide an accurate record of information without too much formality, so she wrote memos to her client, the owner of a family business in Taiwan. She put her comments in writing in order to reduce misunderstanding, but the owner never acknowledged the memos. So she wrote more. Still no mention of them. Finally she asked Taiwanese friends what this meant. She learned that her status with the owner meant she should have face-to-face discussions with him. Memos are impersonal, and he thought she didn’t want to get to know him. That made him reluctant to trust her. She was responsibly using an effective communication channel, as far as her own


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