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Part I Vocabulary and Grammar 1. By now John was _______with indignation(愤怒) and we gathered round trying to pacify(使平静 him. A. pouncing(扑过去抓住 B. convulsing(震撼 C. harking(听) D. seething(沸腾2. If you are ________to something, you feel strongly that you’re not willing to do it or that you don’t like it. A. averse(厌恶) B. avid(狂热) C. awesome(可怕的) D. azure(天蓝色的) 3. Are you going to hang the ______of the Declaration of Independence in the classroom or in the auditorium(大礼堂)? A. goddess(女神) B. replica (复制品) C. typhoid(伤寒) D. typhus(斑疹伤寒4. If early humans hadn’t moved and ________as much as they did, they probably would have continued to evolve into different species. A. inhabited B. interchanged C. intermingled(交织 D. migrated 5._________ and environmental groups, including Greenpeace, say that many parts of the Andes will suffer if they become over-developed. A. Indigenous(本地的 B. Indigent(贫困 C. Indignant D. Indiscreet (轻率 6. Much of what he said was beyond her comprehension but she understood the _______of his remarks. A. tack (钉子) B. tact(机智的) C. tanner(皮匠) D. tenor (大意) 7. Most banks offer ________facilities to students, to help them when they run short of money. A. oversight监督 B. overdraft透支 C. overdose过量 D. overseeing 8. The problem of tracing the disease in such formidable country was _______further by the continuous warfare in the area. A. accelerated B. consolidated C. exacerbated加剧 D. reinforced 9. To trap animals a hunter fixes a _______, usually made of cord, across the path they are likely to take. A. lotion 洗涤剂 B. lotus莲花 C. snarl咆哮 D. snare套圈 10. Equally, the large group of texts, called the _______, gives us reasonable grounds for omitting many uses and word forms that do not occur in it. A. works B. corpus文集 C. body D. collection 11. Caroling Moore, the first woman fellow of Porterhouse,


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