to 的四种用法总结.doc

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to 的四种用法总结

Verb + preposition to account to sb 向...解释,报账 add to 增加 adapt to 改编以适合 adhere to 坚持 adjourn to (place) 搬移至,迁往 admit to 承认 agree to 同意 allude to 暗示 amount to 总计 answer to 向...负责, 和...符合 apologize to sb 向...道歉 appeal to 向...恳求,用...解决 apply to 将...应用于,向...申请,向...询问 assent to 同意 (接“提议:proposal, terms, views”) attend to 注意,照顾 attest to 证实,证明 back on to 背对着 behave to 对...的行为或态度 belong to 属于 bow to 向...低头, 接受, 同意 call to sb 大声叫喊 cling to 紧抓住...不放, 依靠, 坚持 come to 达到, 继承, 复苏, 停止 confess to 承认 conform to 符合, 遵照 consent to 同意, 答应 correspond to 和...相似,相等,相配 contribute to 有助于…,促成 dance to 和着(某种音乐)跳舞 defer to descend to 自贬身份来做 dictate to (often passive) 任意指使…,向…发号施令 face on to 面对,朝向 fall to 开始 feel up to 有...能力 get to 到达, 开始 happen to sb 发生在...身上 jump to 仓促地达成 keep to 固守,遵循 listen to 听 look to 照看, 注意, 指望 object to 反对 occur to sb 想起, 想到 pertain to 与…相关,关于 propose to sb 向...求婚 react to 与…起反应 refer to 查阅, 提到, 谈到, 打听 relate to 与...有关,涉及 reply to 回答,答复 resort to 诉诸于, 采取 respond to 回答,对...有反应 revert to 恢复, 归还 run to 跑向, 达到, 发展到, 趋向 see to 负责, 注意 stick to 粘在...上,继续...而不间断,有恒心地做,忠于,坚持 submit to 向...屈服 succeed to 继承 surrender to 向...投降 swear to 断言,强调地说 take to 开始, 喜欢起...来了 trust to 依赖,依靠 tumble to 领悟,了解 witness to 出庭作证,证实 yield to 让步,屈服 Notes: 有灰色底纹的词条源自《新编英语语法教程》L19 P 335 余央宗(0804)同学参照《牛津高阶英汉双解词典(第6版)》校对,在此表示感谢。 Adjective + Preposition to abhorrent to 不相容的, 跟...不(投)合的 abominable to 为…所讨厌、憎恶 acceptable to 为…接受的, 合…意的 addicted to 耽溺于..., 热爱... adherent to 追随...的, ...的拥护者, ...的信徒; adjacent to 邻近...的, 接近...的 affiliated to 附属于... 的, 与… 有关联的 akin to 与…同族的, 与…类似的, 与…同源的 alert to allergic to ambitious to amenable to antagonistic to apologetic to apparent to applicable to apprenticed to attentive to attracted to available to averse to awake to beneficial to blind to born to chargeable to civil to clear to close to common to congenial to considerate to contrary to convenient to courteous to cruel to deaf to dear to destructive to detrimental to disadvantageous to discernible to discourteous


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