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Unit 1. Glare: strong, fierce, unpleasant light. Cavern: a long, narrow, dark street of workshops and shops with some sort of a roof over them. Din: loud, confused noise that continues Wares: rather literary, meaning articles for sale Clear a way: to remove from Would be: likely, possible Fade away: gradually disappear Earthen: make of earth Deaden: to lessen or dull the sound of Measured: steady, slow and deliberate; rhythmical Sepulchral: suggestive of the grave of burial; dismal, gloomy Follow suit: to do the same as someone else has done Peculiarities: characteristics Knit: unite firmly and closely Guild: society of persons for helping one another The order of the day: that which is of the greatest general way of doing things; normal routine Price: to ask the price of Beat down: bargain with; causing seller to lower price It is a point of honour : something considered important for one’s self-respect To make a point of doing sth. : regard or treat it as necessary His personal regard for: his personal respect for the customer Impinge on: have an effect on; strike Catch the light of : reflect the light of Hammering away: continuously Live coals: burning of glowing To the strokes of the bellows: along with; accompanied by Functional: designed to serve practical purposes Profusion: plenty, great amount Rich: color: deep, strong and beautiful Texture: arrangement of threads etc. in textile fabric, characteristic feel due to this Bold: strongly marked, clearly formed Sumptuous: rich and costly Maze: a set of intricate windings Honey-comb: to fill with holes, cells or cavities Disdainful: scornful Stately: dignified Ramshackle: shaky, unsteady Tower: reach high above or over surroundings Dwarf: make look small by contrast or distance Nimble: moving quickly and lightly Throw one’s weight on to : use all one’s strength to press down Set…in motion: get… going Trickle: a slow, small flow Ooze: give forth steadily Blend: to mix; intermingle Glisten: shine brightly, spar


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