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湖南师大附中2012届高三月考试卷(五) Section A (15 marks) 21.You shouldn’t mind , so long it is helpful in having your work . A.criticizing; improving B.being criticized; improved C.to criticizing; improved D.being criticized; to be improved 22.The execution of arrangement so thrilled him that he felt he were walking on air. A.even though B.though C.as though D.as long as 23. Do you regret not having gone abroad? Why should I? I as much, but I’m glad to devote myself to our motherland. A.didn’t earn B.don’t earn C.hadn’t earned D.wouldn’t earn[来源:学科网ZXXK] 24.We feel our duty to be volunteers for helping the children whose parents can’t go back to spend Spring Festival with them. A.this B.it C.that D.one 25. Have you got any particular plans for the coming holiday? Yes. , I’m going to visit some homes for the old in the city. A.If ever B.If busy C.If anything D.If possible 26.Xiao Baiyoy, the proud father of four, were admitted to the prestigious Peking University, has a method of his own to make his children successful – beat them if they don’t work hard enough. A.three of which B.three of them C.of them three D.three of whom 27. Susie? ! Hi! What a nice surprise. I to see you here! Hey! Barry! I can’t believe this! What here? A.hadn’t expected; did you do B.didn’t expect; were you doing C.didn’t expect; are you doing D.haven’t expected; do you do 28. Are you ready for Canada? Yes, I want my daughter to experience that she is young. A.while B.until C.if D.before 29.China mentioned a possible timetable its green house gas emissions in the United Nations climate conference in South Africa. A.referring B.related C.regarding D.concerned 30.To have a dinner at a restaurant on the Eve of the Spring Festival, you need to reserve the restaurant months before, ? A.mustn’t you B.didn’t you C.don’t you D.needn’t you 31.Although many people are familiar with Aids and


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