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English Grammar Course: Lecture one第一讲 Course arrangement, grammar levels and grammar test ◆Course Schedule: Week Topic Week Topic 1. Course arrangement, grammar levels and grammar test 10 Adjectives and Adverbs 2 Sentence structure 11 Prepositions 3 Tense 12 Infinitives and Gerunds 4 Modal verbs 13 Noun Clauses 5 Negation and Question 14 Relative Clause 6 Voices 15 Adverbial clauses 7 Articles and Noun 16 Subject-verb concord and Inversed Structure 8 Determiners and Quantifiers 17 Other topics 9 Pronouns ◆Teaching and Learning materials: Oxford Practice Grammar A new English Grammar Course book College English: using grammar ◆Course components: Lecturing, project presentation, class discussion, exercise doing and evaluation. ◆Assessment: Homework and class attendance (20%), Final exam (80%) ◆Basic levels of Grammar: morpheme-word-phrase-clause-sentence 1. Morpheme (free morpheme and bound morpheme): Chair, coexist, kind, friend, receive 1) Free morpheme: independent simple word possessing complete meaning. Example: kindness, bookmark 2) Bound Morpheme: the part of a word that adhere to other part of the word. Example: Incoherent, minibus, maladjusted, receive Affix: inflectional affix and derivational affix -s, -es, -’s, -ed, -ing,-er,-est, antiwar, movement, unlucky Combining form: Receive, predict, linguistics, multicultural 2. Word: 1) Simple word: free Morpheme at, up, on… 2)Derivative word: root + affix Unfair, preschool, cooperate, happiness, diversity 3) Compound word: combination of free morphemes (simple words) Handbook, snowball, something… 4) Closed class: grammatical word being steady and contained In, of, you, he, a, but, can, do… 5) Open class: content word being unsteady Drama, faith, old… 3. Phrase: head +other word(s) Noun phrase: All the college students / verb phrase: (She) looks pale; (It) is getting dark / adj. phrase: (You are) not careful enough. / adv. Phrase: She spoke very clearly indeed.


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