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9B Unit 1 Asia Grammar教学案

9B Unit1 Asia Grammar教学案 【教学目标】 学会用it 作人称代词,用来代替人、物或事。 学会用it作非人称代词,表示时间、天气、季节和距离等。 学会用it作形式主语或形式宾语。 【教学重难点】 1. 掌握并能使用it 作为人称代词来代替人、事、物等。 2. 掌握并能使用it 作为非人称代词来指代时间、日期、天气、温度、距离等。 3. 掌握并能使用it作为形式主语或形式宾语,指代动词不定式或者从句。 【预习导学】 预习Grammar,了解代词it的用法。 我们常用it作人称代词,代替人、事、物等。 it用来指代动物或者无生命的事物。如: Look at the monkey.It is so funny. This is the Summer Palace.It is really beautiful. (2)it用来指代不清楚性别的小孩子。如: My sister will have a baby soon.We guess it is a girl. There is a baby over there.It is so cute. (3)it用来指代不明身份的人。如: Who is that ?Maybe it is your friend Jack. Someone is knocking the door.Please go and see who it is. (4) it用来指代前面提到过的事物。如: This is not my book.It is his. Many people have been to Guilin.It is a wonderful place. 2. 我们还可以用it作为非人称代词,指代时间、日期、天气、温度、距离等。 It is sunny today. It is 10 September. It is a one-hour ride. It is ten o’clock. It is Friday today. it 还可以用来作为形式主语或形式宾语,指代动词不定式或者从句。 it 作为形式主语,常用于下列句型: It is +adjective +(of/for…) +to do … It takes…some time to do… It is said/reported/…that… it作为形式形式宾语,常见于下列句型: …think(s)/find(s)/it easy /difficult/hard/…to do… 【课堂导学】 A Using it as a pronoun Step1:Lead-in Play a guessing game Show a picture of a tourist attraction,guess where it is Is it in China? (Yes,it is in China.) Is it very cold in summer? (Yes,it is very hot in summer.) How far is it from our city to the place? (It is about…from our city to the place.) Circle“it”n the blackboard,then discuss the meaning of “it” Step2: Present Go through the passage on page 12,encourage the students to ask questions that they do not understand. 学生归纳it的用法,it用来指代物、上文已提到过的事物、无需指明性别的婴儿、不明身份的人等(如在打电话或有人敲门等情形时)。 Step3: Practice Complete the exercises on page 12. 补充练习: (1)--Who is the baby? -- is my teacher’s son.(it) (2) Someone is knocking at the door,Who is ?(it) (3) –Has the man got his mobile phone now? --Yes,the police gave to him.(it) (4) Will you answer the phone? mght be your mother.(it) B Using it as an impersonal pronoun Step1:Present 1. through



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