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1996年10月听力文字 1. I want to play tennis tomorrow but I didnt bring my racket with me this evening. 1。我想去打网球,但明天我没有带我的球拍今晚跟我。 Do you have one I could borrow? 你有一个我可以借用一下吗? What does the man imply? 这个男士暗示什么? 2. I thought this shirt was a great deal but I washed it once and it shrunk so much that I cant wear it. 2。我认为这件衬衫好便宜,但只洗了一次,就缩水了,以至于我不能穿它。 Some bargain. You should ask for a refund. 一些逢低买进。你应该要求退款。 What does the woman mean? 那个女人说什么? 3. I broke my ankle last Tuesday. And now I have to be on crutches for six weeks. 3。我摔断了脚踝上周二。现在我需要拄了六个星期。 Im sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do for you? 听到这消息我很遗憾。有什么我可以帮你吗? What does the woman mean? 那个女人说什么? 4. Why didnt you call me last night like you were supposed to? 4。你为什么不打电话给我昨晚就像你应该吗? I did your time was busy. 我做了你的时间很忙。 What does the man mean? 男士的意思是什么呢? 5. Sue, would you like a sandwich or something? 5。苏,你会像一个三明治或类似的东西? Oh, please dont bother. I can get something later. 噢,请不要打扰。我可以喝点之后。 What does the woman mean? 那个女人说什么? 6. This report is due tomorrow. Would you be able to work on it with me tonight? 6。这份报告明天到期。你能工作在它与我共进晚餐吗? Unfortunately I have another commitment. 不幸的是我有另一个承诺。 What does the woman mean? 那个女人说什么? 7. I wonder where the books I ordered are. I expected to receive the package several days ago. 7。我很想知道这书我所订购的。我希望接收包的前几天。 Maybe youd better check it with the company. They could be temporarily out of stock. 也许你最好检查一下与公司。他们可以暂时缺货。 What does the man suggest the woman do? 男人如何建议女人做什么? 8. I just have to type this last page and then Im through. 8。我只需要输入这最后一页,然后我通过。 By then Ill be done too. 那时我也会做。 What does the woman mean? 那个女人说什么? 9. Did you read the editorial in the paper about the mayors speech? 9。你读过那篇社论在一篇关于市长的演讲吗? I sure did. But I think they twisted the meaning of what he said. 我当然做了。但我认为,他们扭曲了他说的是什么意思。 What does the man say of the editorial? 男人说什么社论的吗? 10. Why do we go to see a movie tonight? A good comedy might cheer you up. 10。为什么我们今晚去看电影吗?一个好的喜剧可能使你高兴起



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