9a unit 3 grammar 教案+练习.doc

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学 生 教 师 日 期 年 级 学 科 时 段 学 情 分 析 课 题 学习目标与 考点分析 学习重点 难 点 教学方法 一 复习 复习unit 4重点词汇,并默写。 Drills: 1. Look !There is a beautiful _______(彩虹) in the sky. It’s colourful. Usually orange represents joy, you can ________(在…上刷油漆) your son’s bedroom with this colour. Which TV set should I choose? It’s hard for me to make a ________(决定) . The naughty boy didn’t _______(认识到) what mistakes he made until I told him. If you need physical________(力量), you should wear red clothes. 1. Miss Li is one of the best teacher in our school. _______ ?????????????????? ?A???????? B?????? C???????? D 2. She will go shopping next Sunday if she won’t be busy. ________ ????????????? A????? B?????????????????? C??????? D 3. Each of the students in Class Two?have two books. ________ ???????? A??????? B???????????? C????????????? D 4. I would rather stay at home watching TV than to go to see a film. ________ ???????? A??????? B???????????? C???????????? ?D 5. I think it necessarily for us to learn English well. _________ ???????? A??????? B????????C???????????? D 二 unit 3 grammar (一)To-infinitives 动词不定式 Subject (主语) To plant trees every year is necessary. 不定式作主语常能换成形式主语 “it”. To eat too much is unhealthy for you. =It is unhealthy for you to eat too much. To learn English well is important .=It is important to learn English well. 我们相信早上读英语是有帮助的. We believe it is helpful to read English in the morning. Predictive (表语) My dream is to be a great football player. 不定式作表语,说明主语的内容,性质,特征,能接不定式作表语的名词有: dream, plan, duty, aim, purpose, job 等 1. 我的目的是帮助你提高你的英语水平。 My purpose is to help you improve your English. 2. 赫本的梦想是成为一个成功的芭蕾舞者。 Hepburn’s dream was to become a successful ballet dancer. Object (宾语) 不定式可以接在有些动词后作宾语, 如: hope, promise, plan, learn, decide, choose, prepare, agree, remember, forget, seem 1. 请你不要忘记参加我们的俱乐部派对。 Please don’t forget to take part in our clu


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