第三章 翻译的基本技巧1.doc

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第三章 翻译的基本技巧1

第三章 翻译的基本技巧 Translation techniques 第一部分 Part One Generally speaking, the basic translation techniques that merit our attention and are to be applied in English-Chinese or Chinese-English translations include: Diction (选词用字) Conversion(转换) Repetition (重复)Amplification(增词法) Omission(省略法) Negation vs. Affirmation (正反交替) Restructuring/Inversion (词序调整) Division(长句拆译) The Disposal of the Passive Voice The Rendering of the Technical Terms The Rendering of the Long and Involved Sentences etc. Procedures of today: Diction Conversion Exercises in class Assignments Diction: Diction refers to the proper choice of words and phrases in the process of translation to fit their context. E.g. Tension is building up. 形势紧张起来。 电压在加强。 张力在增大。 压力在增强。…… 红包 gift money/ bonus/ bribes 根据词性确定词义p.34 by means of the part of speech Look, I don’t mind you borrowing my car, but you ought to ask me first. By the looks of it we shan’t have much rain this month. You have to look your best if you want the job. 听着,你借我的车我并不介意,不过你应该先问问我。 看样子,这个月雨水不会很多。 你如果想得到这个职位,就必须尽可能穿戴得体一些。 agreement 同意 an agreement 协定 people 人民 a people 民族 hostility 敌意 hostilities 战争 use 使用 uses 用途 work 工作 works 工厂、著作 advice 忠告 advices 通知 color 颜色 colors 颜色、旗帜 根据词的搭配确定词义p.35 by means of collocation a fast car, the fast growth, fast music, a fast journey, fast color, a fast film, fast asleep, break one’s fast by drinking some milk, stick fast in the mud 速度很快的车,迅速发展,节奏快的音乐,匆匆之行,不易褪掉的颜色,快速感光胶卷,酣睡, 开斋喝了点牛奶,牢牢地陷在泥巴里 在这种情况下 这种情况必须改变。 现在的情况不同了。 他们的情况怎么样? 前线有什么情况? 我们可能去哪儿,那得看情况而定。 under such circumstances This state of affairs must change. Now things are different. How do matters stand with them? How is the situation at the front? We may go there, but that depends. 根据上下文确定词义 p.36 by means of the context 语境(context)指产生语言活动的环境,包括时间、空间、语言交际参与者及语言活动的目的,反映在文字材料中也称上下文。 真实语境中的词语绝非词典中孤立的个体


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