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简介 Introduction 太行大峡谷地处河南省西北部、南太行山东麓的河南省林州市石板岩乡境内,南北长50公里,东西宽1.5公里,海拔800—1739米,相对高差1000米以上。景区总面积89平方公里,其植被覆盖率为90%,有天然氧吧之美誉。境内断崖高起,群峰峥嵘,阳刚劲露,台壁交错,苍溪水湍,流瀑四挂,是“北雄风光”的典型代表。 太行大峡谷核心景区包括:泉潭叠瀑桃花谷、百里画廊太行天路、太行之魂王相岩、原始生态峡谷漂流、人间仙境仙霞谷。“青崖如点黛,赤壁若朝霞,树翳文禽,潭泓绿水,景物奇秀,为世所称”,太行大峡谷景区四季景色各异,令人神往。 峡谷内民宅建筑就地取材,石街、石院、石墙、石柱、石梯、石楼与大自然浑然一体,古色古香,令人寻味。太行大峡谷景区交通便捷,接待设施完善,是休闲养生、漂流滑翔、避暑度假、绘画写生、寻古探幽、旅游观光的好地方。 Taihang Mountain Grand Canyon is within the boundary of Shibanyan Township, Linzhou City of Henan Province which locates in the northwest of Henan province and the east of South Taihang Mountain. It extends 50 kilometers from north to south, 1.5 kilometers wide from east to west, 800-1739 meters altitude, the relative elevation of over 1000 meters. The total area of the scenic spot is 89 square kilometers, and the vegetation coverage rate is 90%, which earned its natural oxygen bar reputation. Within the boundary, peaks upon peaks, huge rocks resembling hanging swords, platforms, gorges, waterfalls and springs, are the typical representative of the “North Male scenery”. The operated scenic spot in Taihang Mountain Grand Canyon includes: Peach Blossom Valley, hundred miles galleries-Taihang Gorge-Taihang sky road, the soul of Taihang-Wangxiangyan. People describe the Taihang Grand Canyon that “green cliff as little Dai, red cliff as sunrise, birds in the tree, abounded in green water, the unique scene, are known to the world”, different scenic views in four seasons, fascinating. Houses and building within the canyon use local materials, such as stone street, stone yards, stone walls, stone pillars, stone stairs, stone floor which being integrated with the nature, antique and ruminate. The transportation here is convenient and reception facilities are fine, it is a good place for leisure and keeping healthy, rock climbing, spending summer vacation, sketching, ancient windings, and sightseeing. 桃花谷 Peach Blossom Valley 桃花谷是一条谷中之谷,是太行大峡谷的核心景点,谷内奇峰突兀、峭拨雄壮,一条蜿蜒曲折的桃花溪水贯穿峡谷。溪水两岸草藤垂挂,杂木丛林莽莽无际,随山风涌动的绿潮


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