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PAGE PAGE 25 《英语听说》课程教学大纲 课程代码:160808 第一部分 课程教育目标 一、教学对象 高职高专院校商务英语专业的学生。 二、课程的性质和任务 课程的性质:英语听说课程教学是高等教育的一个有机组成部分,英语听说课程是高职高专学生的一门必修的基础课。英语听说教学是以英语语言知识与应用技能、学习策略和跨文化交际为主要内容,以外语教学理论为指导并集多种教学模式和教学手段为一体的教学体系。 课程任务:结合真实、典型和实用的听力材料,对学生进行各种听力技能的系统训练,培养学生的快速反应、准确辨别、分析推理、归纳总结、信息处理及记录和记忆等听力理解能力,为培养学生全面的英语交际能力奠定良好的听力基础;结合听力教材内容,展开口语练习,逐步培养和提高学生用英语进行口头交际的能力,让学生了解英美等国家的文化背景和生活习俗。 三、学生能力培养要求 1.基础知识要求: 经过三个学年的学习,学生要熟练掌握语音语调方面的知识,词汇量达到8千以上,并且能顺利通过大学英语六级的听力和口语考试。 2.素质要求:经过三个学年的学习,学生要听懂专业性比较强的材料,并且熟练地使用自己所学到的专业知识进行交流。 3.实践操作要求:经过三个学年的学习,学生要在自己所从事的商务领域,充分地发挥自己的英语听说能力专长。 第二部分 教学内容基本要求 Book I Unit one? Studying English 教学目的与要求: 1.??To help the students to gain some communicative functions, especially focuses on different ways to greet people and to make introductions. 2.?? To help the students to master some listening strategy, focuses on detecting incomplete plosion. 3.??To guild the students to discuss on special topic of studying English in groups work. 4.???To listen for general understanding of the recording. 5.???To listen for details information. 6.???To practice the conversations according to the given situations. 7.???To gain some extra information related to the topic.   8.???To learn to sing some English song. 学时:4 periods 重点: 1.?????? To get the ability of communication. 2.?????? To detecting incomplete plosion. 3.?????? To understand the general idea of the listening text and important details. 4.?????? To talk about themselves and about their experience of learning English in relation to what they have heard on the tape 难点: 1.?????? To detecting incomplete plosion. 2.? To talk about themselves and about their experience of learning English in relation to what they have heard on the tape. Unit two?? Fun with Language 教学目的与要求: 1.To help the students to gain some communicative functions, especially focuses on opening and closing a conversation. 2.To help the students to master some listening strategy focuses on distinguishing between Similar Sounds. 3.To guild the stude


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