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Language points be meant to/ be meant for 1.The Dragon Boat Festival is meant to _______________. 2. The spring festival in China is meant to __________________. mean to do…想要做某事 mean doing …意味着 I don’t mean to hurt anybody. Success means working hard. Don’t be so mean to your little sister. That is a mean trick. In 1919, the May 4th movement __________________ in China. It _________ to rain that night. The traffic accident ___________ on Wednesday. P4 Ex. 1 religious dangerous humorous courageous cultural national seasonal original n. - al agricultural international practical physical political chemical historical -tion organize congratulate liberate repeat explain organization congratulation liberation repetition explanation Satisfy:[‘s?tisfai] Vt.vi 使满意,满足 Ancestor:‘?ns?st? 祖宗 Obon: Grave:[ɡreiv]坟墓 Incense:[’insens]薰香 In memory of.. 纪念 The bridge was bulit in memory of the hero poet [‘p?uit] 诗人---poem 诗歌 This poet wrote a beautiful poem. Arrival [?’raiv?l] n. —arrive v. 到达 Gain [ɡein] 获得 vt Independence [‘?ndi’pend?ns] ---independent adj.独立。 Children should be encouraged to be independent thinkers. 应该鼓励孩子独立思考。 Gather:[‘ɡ?e?]收集,集合 Agriculture [‘?ɡrik?lt??] –agricultural adj Award [?’w?:d]n/v 奖品,授予 Rooster [‘ru:st?] 公鸡 Admire [?d’mai?] vt.羡慕 We admire his working so hard. 我们钦佩他工作努力。 Energetic /’en?’d?etik/ adj 精力充沛的 energy n Look forward to (to 是介词 后接v-ing ) We are look forward to visiting England. Carnival [‘kɑ:niv?l] n. 狂欢节 Lunar [‘lu:n?]阴历的 Easter[’i:st?] Parade [p?‘reid] n. 检阅 Day and night Clothing 衣服的总称 Christian [’krist??n] n/adj 基督徒、基督教的 Jesus [d?i:z?s] Cherry [‘t?eri] 樱桃 Blossom [’bl?s?m]n./vt 花,开花 As though /if It looks as though/if it’s going to rain. Have fun with sb Custom [‘k?st?m]习惯,风俗 It is the custom of foreigners to do so. 这种做法是外国人的习惯。 adj. 与…有关的 Feast [fi:st] day盛大的节日 Skull [sk?l]头脑,头骨 Bone:b?un 骨头 Belief:[bi‘li:f] 信念 religious beliefs 宗教信仰 She has lost the belief in her son. Dress up She derssed up her face to look


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