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Section A Rabbits, like all mammals, need constant mental stimulation1 in order to lead healthy and active lives. If you are away from home for a good part of the day, or your rabbit doesn’t have any companions, it is important that you provide some toys for your rabbit to keep it stimulated and occupied. Good rabbit toys are good for your rabbit for several reasons. As just mentioned, toys are necessary to provide your rabbit with a stimulating environment. Toys are also great for stopping your rabbit from chewing on things around the house that you don’t want it to chew on. Equally important, good toys are great sources of exercise for your rabbit. There are many possibilities when you choose rabbit toys for your rabbit. A free and easy way to provide your rabbit with entertainment is to give it some paper bags to play with. If it ends up eating the cardboard toys you provide, you will want to switch to other less edible types of toys. You can provide your rabbit with jungle gym type toys, or anything it can climb up, because rabbits enjoy climbing and being in high positions. Basically, as long as you provide your rabbit with a safe and non-toxic2 toy, you will be doing it a huge favor. A well entertained rabbit is a happy rabbit, and a happy rabbit keeps your entire home happy! When it comes to the health and happiness of your pet rabbit, choosing a good living environment should be at the top of your list. Whether you choose a high quality rabbit cage or a large rabbit hutch3, the quality of the materials and the construction of the dwelling will determine how well it works for your particular friend. Notes: 1. stimulation n. 刺激 2. non-toxic adj. 无毒的 3. hutch n. (养兔子等小动物的)笼子 词数:148 处理时间:2′59″ Read the passage and then choose the best answer to each question. 1. In order to live healthy and active lives, rabbits need ______. A. to live in a quiet environment B. to chew on things in the house C. to live in a large house or hutch D. to have constant mental stim


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