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六级作文万能金句第一段:陈述现状段1.There is a heated discussion whether…2. Does anyone hold the same attitude towards this issue ?Definitely not,actually,opinions vary from person to person.第二段:正反论证段3. Some maintain that ( 正方观点 ), firstly,(理由之一)4. Secondly, (理由之二)5. However,quite a few people hold the opposite opinion that (反方观点),for one thing,(理由之一)6. For another, (理由之二)第三段:个人观点段7. To my way of thinking,(个人观点). In the first place,(理由之一)8. Additionally,(理由之二)9. Given all the factors I have outlined,I strongly commit to the notion that ( 重申个人观点)补充:对立观点作文,观点陈述应该如何不落俗套地表述:(1)某物是有好处的:something is beneficial to sth.(2)某物是有坏处测:something is detrimental to sth.(3)某物优点缺点: The merits of sth. far outweigh its demerits.(4) A优点B优点: The merits of A are much greater than those of B.二、问题解决作文 {3段9句话,2011年12月考}第一段:陈述现状1. The past several years have witnessed a not uncommon phenomenon that ( 社会现象 ).2. Taking a look around,one can find examples with ease: (举实例映证社会现象)第二段:分析问题(原因危害)3. Ample reasons can account for this phenomenon,and the followings might be the most criticalones: firstly,(原因之一)4. Secondly, (原因之二)5. The problem mentioned above will bound to generate severe consequences if we keep turninga blind eye and deaf ear to it. On the one hand, (危害之一)6. On the other hand,(危害之二)第三段: 解决问题7. Effective measures should be adopted before things get worse. First and foremost,(措施一).8. Moreover,(措施二)9. Only with these measures taken can we (美好愿景)二、问题解决作文 {3段9句话,2011年12月考}补充1:都可以采取哪些解决措施?(1)扬善去恶:What we should do is to encourage the merits and diminish the demerits to theleast extent.(2)加强教育:A public education campaign should be launched to make people have a goodknowledge of …(很好地理解)(3)政府出台:It is essential that the authorities should work out and implement relevant laws and regulations to put an end to this trend.(4)呼吁政府:We should appeal to the government to work out rigid laws to punish variousillegal conducts that are potentially detrimental to the environment.(5)大家联合起来:It is high time that parents,educa


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