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阅读认知词汇训练 Stems and Affixes (1) Using context clues is one way to discover the meaning of an unfamiliar word. Another way is word analysis, that is looking at the meanings of parts of words. Many English words have been formed by combining parts of older English, Greek, and Latin words. If you know the meanings of some of these word parts, you can often guess the meaning of an unfamiliar English word. .Then do the exercises which follow . Some questions require the use of a dictionary Prefixes: com-,con-,col-,cor-co- together, with in-,im- in, into, on in-,im-,il-,ir- not micro- small pre- before re-,retro- backward, back, behind Stems: -audi-,-audit- hear -chron- time -dic-, -dict- say, speak -graph-,-gram- write, writing -log-,-ology- speech, word, study -metr-, -meter- measure -phon- sound -scop- see, look at -scope- instrument for seeing or observing -scrib-,-script- write -spect- look at Suffixes: -er,-or one who -tion, -ation condition, the act of -er,-or one who -tion, -ation condition, the act of Exercise1: l: In each item , select the best definition of the italicized word. a. In retrospect ,we would have been wise to leave our money in the bank 1.many years ago 3.in fact 2.looking around 4.looking back b: He lost his spectacles 1 .glasses 3.pans 2.gloves 4.shoes c: He inspected their work 1 .spoke highly of 3.exarnined closely 2.did not examine 4.did not like 2:In the word inspected , w


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