英语国家社会与文化 复习资料.doc

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英语国家社会与文化 复习资料

2013届《英语国家社会与文化》期末复习题 I. Explain the following terms: 1. Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin was one of the founding fathers of the United States of America. He participated in writing the Declaration of Independence and making the US Constitution. 2. King Arthur It is said that he was the King of England in the 15th century and united the British and drove the Saxons back with his magical sword, Excalibur. His real existence is in doubt. He is the central figure of many legends II. Choose the best answer. 1. The first inhabitants in Britain were _____. A. the Normans B. the Celts C. the Iberians D. the Anglo-Saxons 2. The largest lake in Britain is _____. A. the Lough Neage B. Windermere Water C. Coniston Water D. the Lake District 3. Which part of Britain is always fighting? A. England B . Scotland C. Wales D. Northem Ireland 4. The Tories were the forerunners of _______ , which still bears the nickname today.  A. the Labour Party  B. the Liberal Party  C. the Social Democratic Party  D. the Conservative Party 5. Martin Luther King, Jr., a young black clergyman, became a national leader of the _______ Movement.   A. Boycott   B. Civil Rights   C. Segregation   D. Integration . The Declaration of Independence was drafted by _____. A. James Madison B. Thomas Jefferson C. Alexander Hamilton D. George Washington 7. The Renaissance began in ______ in the early _______ century. A. England, 14 B. England, 15 C. Italy, 14 D. Italy, 15 8. In the 18th century, there appeared ____ in England, which owed a great deal to the invention of machines. A. the Industrial Revolution B. the Bourgeois Revolution C. the Wars of the Roses D. the Religious Reformation 7. British Recorded history began with _____. Roman invasion B. the Norman Conquest C. the Vikin


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