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Book6 Unit3 Reading Teaching plans教案

高二年段英语教学设计 学科 班级 任课老师 Book6 unit3 A healthy life 课标要求 (I)词汇Vocabulary: (II)级: 2.能理解文章主旨和作者意图; 3.能通过上下文客队生词苦难,理解语篇意义; 4.能通过文章中的线索进行推理; 5.能根据需要从网络等资源中获取信息; 6.能阅读适合高中生的英语报刊或杂志; 7.除教材外,课外阅读量应累计达到23万词以上。 说: 能在日常交际中对一般的询问和要求做出恰当的反应; 2.能根据熟悉的话题,稍做准备后,有条理地做简短的发言; 3.能就一般性话题进行讨论; 4.能根据话题要求与人交流、合作,共同完成任务; 5.能用恰当的语调和节奏表达意图。 写: 能描述人物或事件,并进行简单的评论; 教材分析 The reading is in two parts. The first part is a letter from a grandfather to his grandson explaining how a smoker becomes addicted to cigarettes and why he should give up. The second part gives advice about how to stop smoking. It is set out like a page on the Internet. Students may be embarrassed about discussing the topic. Teachers need to make it clear that talking about these issues is not an invitation to act in ways that are considered inappropriate by their community. The reading aims to provide young people with accurate information and allow them the opportunity to think about what they might do in certain situations. It is hoped that they will be likely to quit smoking. 学情分析 本班学生是创新班的学生,学习能力强,所以对他们的要求较高。要求他们掌握本课的所有考纲词汇(包括课标要求理解的词)没有问题。他们对“读”和“听”的问题不大,但要在短时间内掌握这么多新的词汇有一定的困难。学生平时不太敢开口,同时因为“说”不在高考的要求之内,学生对说的能力不太重视。但大部分学生活跃,且有一定合作精神。 The students are from the talented class who possess strong learning ability. They can master all the new words at the end of each unit. But it’s a little difficult to master them all in a short period. The students are weak in spoken English for speaking is not included in Gaokao. However, the students take an active part in activities like discussing, acting and can work in a group to finish the task. Senior Two students are curious about smoking. Some of them will try to do it secretly and after that find an excuse. While most of them have no such experience. However, there are many examples around them. This topic is easy to arouse their interest, and they have a lot to talk about. Period 1 课题 Book Unit3 A healthy life Reading 教学目标 At the end of the c


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