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05 New Glasses for Max Grandad, said Max. I cant see the words in my book. I will take you to the eye doctor. said Grandad. The eye doctor looked into Maxs eyes. I will have some glasses made for you . she said. They will be ready next week. The next week, Max went to get his new glasses. He put them on. I can read my book ,now. he said. You can take your glasses to school in this little case. smiled Grandad. One day,Grandad said, Where are your glasses ,Max? You cant read your books without your glasses. Im not going to take them to school any more . said Max . A boy always laughs at me. Come over here ,Max. said Grandad. and look in this old photo book. That is a photo of my dad. said Max. Yes, said Grandad. In this photo he was six like you. “Your dad had glasses,too. said Grandad. You look like him,Max. My dad has got his glasses on in all the photos, said Max. Yes, said Grandad . He liked them. Max went over to his toy box . I hid my glasses in here, he said. I dont care if that boy laughs at me. Jake is your best friend ,said Grandad, and he does not laugh at you. Max put his glasses on. Max looked in the mirror. I do look like my dad. he said. 07 LOCKED IN Adam and his mum and dad loved budgies. They had blue ones and yellow ones, green ones and white ones. The budgies were in a big cage in the back garden. One day, Dad put a lock on the cage door. This is g very good lock. he said to Adam. Now no one can open the cage and take the budgies away. said Adam. The next day, Day went out to the budgie cage. He had some food for the budgies. He opened the door with the key, and he went in . Dad left the key in the lock on the outside of the cage. Then the wind blew the door shut . Now Dad was locked inside, and the key was on the outside. Oh , no! he said. Adam is at school and Mum is out . Im stuck in here! Adam came home on the school bus and ran inside. Dad, Im home ! he called. But Dad was not in the house . Adam ran outside to look for him . Dad ! he s


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