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[2012.10.24] 谁是最出色的总统系列之一:华盛顿 WASHINGTON WAS THE BEST华盛顿是最出色的总统5?天前 上传下载附件(177.79 KB)The Big Question: Emily Bobrow argues that George Washington, Americas first president, had just enough impostor anxiety...大问题:艾米莉·波布劳(Emily Bobrow)认为美国首位总统乔治·华盛顿(George Washington)的自卑情结恰到好处……From INTELLIGENT LIFE magazine, November/December 2012《INTELLIGENT LIFE》杂志,2012年11、12月刊Who was the best president? That we can even ask the question is thanks to George Washington (1st president, 1789–97) who shaped the role with his own battle-hewn hands. Elected unanimously, he assumed the job reluctantly and batted away efforts to make him a king. His humility ensured the institution was built to last. 谁是历史上最出色的总统?我们可以站在这里问这样一个问题还要多谢乔治·华盛顿(第一位总统,1789-97年间在位)。因为美国总统这一角色正是靠着他那双南征北战的手才得以塑造。在宪法大会上,所有成员一致选举他为总统,于是他只好心不甘情不愿地接下这份工作,并回绝了试图立他为王的意图。他的谦逊确保了新建立的国家制度基业得以长存于世。It would have been easy for the first boss of a new government to have grown tipsy with power. Before Washington, the worlds leaders were all bejewelled monarchs or medal-encrusted generals. But after years of fighting against hunger and defeat as a revolutionary hero on the battlefield, Washington was not seduced by pomp. He rejected an array of flowery titles (His Highness, His Exalted High Mightiness), preferring the simplicity of Mr President. He accepted his inauguration wearing a simple brown suit. 一个新政权的首位领导人很容易被权力迷惑,变得头脑发热。在华盛顿之前,世界上所有的领导人不是珠光宝气的皇室,就是战功赫赫的将军。但身为一位多年来在战场上和饥饿与失利不停斗争的革命英雄,华盛顿并没有被虚华诱惑。他拒绝接受一系列花俏头衔(如“殿下”、“尊贵的阁下”等),更喜欢朴实无华的“总统先生”。他出席就职仪式时身上穿着的是一件简朴的棕色套装。Washington was tall, brave and impressive-looking (despite some lifelong angst over terrible denture-work), yet his colloquial talents were not above mediocrity, as Thomas Jefferson put it. He had sound instincts on the battlefield, but little in the way of formal education. This was ultimately a good thing, as it left him with just enough impostor anxiety to be wary of too much public attention. Not only did he not drone on at the lectern, but he swiftly appointed


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