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期中复习与巩固 【重点词汇与短语】 ????sense,glance,sight,fear,wish for,reach out, stare,firmly,rare,pay back,confidently,personally,reduce,related,add, link,overall,make the most of, misuse,ignore,cant help (doing),impossible,sudden,temporarily,hopefully,accept,feed on, avoid,stick,throughout,confusing, be made up of, create, consist of,pick up, contribute,take control of, replace,raise,adopt,include, depend, record, promise, unknown, disagree, set, care about, pure, differ, represent, combine, simplify, complex, as a whole, eventually, reflect, indicate, take over, erupt, unfortunately, destroy, gradually, ruin, paint, enormous, wise, condition, faithfully, concerned, carry out, declare, in memory of, influence, unite, overthrow, likewise, in use, in return, no more 【重点词汇与短语讲解】????1.sense ????(1) n. 官能, 感觉, 判断力, 见识, ……感, 意义, 理性????What he said made no sense to me. ????他说的对我毫无意义。 ????The girl impressed her sense of humor on(upon)her friends. ????这个女孩的幽默感给她的朋友留下深刻的印象。 ????He felt a great sense of achievement when he reached the top of the mountain. ????当到达山顶的时候,他有一种巨大的成就感。 ????His sense of touch gradually took the place of sight. ????他的触觉逐渐代替了视觉。 ????Tom has not much sense of humor.????汤姆没有什么幽默感。 ????(2) vt. 作动词讲时[+名或代;+从句]感觉到;觉察,意识到 ????Although she didnt say anything, I sensed that she didnt like the idea. ????她虽然没说什么,但我已意识到她不喜欢这个主意。 ????2.sight n. 情景;风景;目光;视力;看到;视野 ????Bill fell in love with Joan at first sight.????比尔一见琼就爱上了。 ????The poor man lost his sight when he was 30 years old.??这个可怜的人30岁的时候眼睛失去了光明。 ????At the sight of blood, she stood there, quaking with fear. ????一看到血,她就站在那里,吓得浑身发抖。 ????I caught a sight of a little lonely cat when I went shopping yesterday. ????昨天下午购物的时候我看见了一只小流浪猫。 ????What a sad sight it was!????多么可怕的情景! ????I know Mr. White by sight but have never spoken to him. ????我常见到怀特先生,但从未同他讲话。 ????The sight of the watch reminded me that I was late. ????一看到表我就意识到迟到了。 ????She watched the plane till it disappeared from sight.??她凝视着飞机,直到飞机消失在视线外为止。 ????3.fear ????


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