雅思口语话题之 法律.doc

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雅思口语话题之 法律

雅思口语话题之 法律 最近经常被学生问到的题目是Describe a piece of interesting law. 很多刚到朗阁上课的学员对这种题目并没有什么思路,大多数考生反映都会去说一些针对杀人,偷盗等犯罪行为的法律。其实,这并不能够给考生赢得什么分数。首先,这方面法律的专业术语性很强,考生并不知道这方面的词汇,这对学生的表达产生了很大的障碍。其次,这种serious offenses 其实并不能称为interesting, 恰恰相反的,这种法律反而是thought-provoking和引起ethical implications. 针对这类题目,给各位烤鸭们的建议谈论的法律,比如说Intellectual Property Rights Law, 即知识产权法。我们可以展开讲解虽然有知识产权法,但人们并不遵守这样的法律,很多人还是会选择去下载电影,在线听音乐,而不是去购买正版。学生还可以去探讨一些其他的法律,比如说行人不遵守交通规则,闯红灯,或者说随地吐痰等等。这些minor offenses其实并没有得到人们的遵守。 Describe a law in your country. You should say what the law is what type of law it is (or, what kind of behaviour this law seeks to regulate) how good (how necessary or effective or how suitable) you think this law is And explain how this law affects people. Restricting the use of plastic packaging限制塑料袋的使用 塑料袋(plastic bags or plastic packaging) 白色污染 (white pollution) 环保袋(environment-friendly bags) 生物可降解 (biodegradable) 能源消耗(energy consumption) 不可再生资源 (non-renewable energy resources) 出台法律 (roll out/introduce/ put forth/pass the law) Intellectual Property Right Law知识产权法 正版(authentic/real/genuine copy) 盗版 (pirated/fake copy) 下载(download) 下载文件链接 (download link) 打击(crack down on/stamp out) 在线观看 (online video streaming) 睁一只眼闭一只眼 (turn a blind eye to) What the law is? New Labour law 新劳动法     Traffic Laws 交通法 Environmental Protection law 环境保护法 Taxation law 税务法New plastic-bags standards塑料袋使用规定  One Child Policy 独生子女政策 Come into force Go into effect Become effective Take effect New Labour law 新劳动法:Jan, 2008 New plastic-bags standards 塑料袋使用规定: June, 2008 What contents? 第几章第几条:chapter, article规定,说明:states...says...  New labour law The new law greatly limits the use of short-term contracts. The new law allows employers to assign only two consecutive fixed-term contracts. After that the employer must offer the employee an open-ended contract.  The LCL imposes severe restrictions on the use of probationary periods in the employment relationship. Pr


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