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Pay heed to 注意 smite [D.J.:sma?t]vt. vi.猛打,重击;打击 smite sb. dead打死某人 The sound smites upon the ear.声音震耳。 n.口打, 打击, (板球)猛击; 尝试, 企图; 一点儿 It didn’t do a smite of good.一点效果也没有。 imposter [D.J.:?mp ?st?]n.冒名顶替者;江湖骗子(impostor) divisive [D.J.:d?va?s?v]adj.引起分歧的;导致分裂的 He believes that unemployment is socially divisive and is leading to the creation of an underclass. 他认为失业会造成社会分化,道致贫困阶层的产生。 topsy-turvy [D.J.:t?psit?:vi]adv.颠倒地,乱七八糟地adj.颠倒的 bear out 证明, 证实 He will bear me out in what I advance.他会证实我提出的情况。 knock-down adj.不可抵抗的,压倒一切的,强有力的,可拆卸的,最低(廉)的 n.打倒的一击,混战,降低 frostbite [D.J.:fr?:st,ba?t, fr?st-]n.冻伤 innuendo [D.J.:,?nju:end??]n.影射的话,讽刺的话;含沙射影,暗讽 I’m sure he thinks I stole the money—he kept making innuendoes about my “new-found-wealth”. 我确信他一定以为钱是我偷的,因为他不断含沙射影地说我“新近发了财”。 onus [D.J.:??n?s]n.正责任,义务 The onus is on government departments to show cause why information cannot be disclosed. 政府部门有责任说明不能把信息公开的理由。 subversive [D.J.:s?bv?:s?v, -z?v]adj.颠覆性的,暗中破坏的 subversive ideas 颠覆性的观念 hops 酒花 barley [D.J.:bɑ:li]n.大麦malt [D.J.:m?:lt]n.麦芽 speak volumes for v.充分说明 cudgel [k?d??l]vt. cross the cudgels 不参加争论[斗争] take up the cudgels for 拿起棍棒防卫; 毅然为...辩护[辩论] anathema [D.J.:?n?θ?m?]n.宗(天主教的)革出教门;诅咒;令人极其讨厌的事 Her views are (an) anathema to me.她的观点真叫我讨厌。 injunction [D.J.:?nd???k??n]n.命令;强制令;禁止令 The court has issued an injunction.法院已发布一项强制令。 exonerate [D.J.:?gz?n?,re?t]vt.使免罪,免除 exonerate sb. from blame 免某人的罪责 appellate [D.J.:?pelit]adj.(尤指法庭)上诉的; 受理上诉的 blizzard [D.J.:bl?z?d]n.暴风雪 We got stuck in a howling blizzard.我们被困在怒号的暴风雪中。 暴风雪似的一阵;大量(或大批)a blizzard of letters 雪片般的信件 vigil [D.J.:v?d??l]n.保持清醒(尤指夜间);不眠(时刻);守夜;警戒 a silent vigil outside the presidential palace 总统府外无声的守夜抗议 gnash your teeth (尤指因没有得偿所愿而)咬牙切齿,非常愤怒(或沮丧) He’ll be gnashing his teeth when he hears that we lost the contract. 他要是听说我们丟了这份合同,准会气得咬牙切齿。 hard-hitting [美] [?herd?h?t??] adj. 有力的,有效的;用力打击的,能用力打击的 hammock (帆布或网状的)吊床 A hammock is a piece of strong cloth or netting which is hung between two supports and used


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