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Part A There is a well known proverb; Rome was not built in a day. A pyramid can also not be so quickly or easily constructed. Without much time and labor, great career is just a talk. We are all eager to win merits for ourselves. However, only patience and endurance can help us to succeed in realizing our dreams. Part B (a possible version) There goes a saying, Rome was not built in a day, and an object as grand as a pyramid is likewise not so quickly or easily constructed. Great things are never done without much time and labor. As human beings, we are eager to win merits for ourselves, It is, however, only patience as well as endurance that can help us to succeed in performing great deeds. As one of the seven wonders in the world, the pyramids never failed to impress the whole world by their beauty and magnificence. Take a closer look, one might be, however, surprised to discover that such a grandiose structure is composed entirely of ordinary stones. Step by step, long time and hard work build those miracles. In daily life,some people would give up halfway in the face of what seems to be insurmountable. Men of such a type can hardly get success. Just as a famous saying goes, Rome was not built in a day. We should always be reminded that a great accomplishment si an accumulation of small achievements. History proves that many prestigious artists and scientists are only successful because of their continued efforts, such as Si Maqian, who could never attain such great achievements without endurance and patience. One might recall Leonardo Da Vincis drawing of an egg, Wang Xizhi practicing handwriting day and night, or Thomas Edison inventing the light bulb. There exists an old Chinese story telling us that even water can eventually pierce through stone, which also points to the importance of patience and perseverance, We should bear the stories and histories above in mind and remember that only if one is willing to work with small stones can he build a pyramid. P


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