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翻译练习之九-----统编教材翻译+常用句型 老师要求学生阅读的书籍应在学生能力范围之内。range The books that the teachers require the students to read should be within the range of the students ability. 这表明地球正在受到日益严重的工业污染的威胁。indicate It indicates that the earth is being greatly threatened by/ with ever increasingly serious pollution. 在她一生的研究工作中,居里夫人取得了极有价值的成就。in the course of In the course of her life-long research, Madam Curie gained very valuable achievements. 我觉得我不应该再把时间用在这个问题上。devote I don’t think I should devote any more time to this problem. 毕业以后,他得接受必须自己谋生的这一事实。face the fact After graduation, he had to face the fact that he must make a living all by himself. 她想借此机会再一次对你的支持表示衷心的感谢。appreciate I’d like to take this opportunity to heartily appreciate your support again. 她从一开始就预见到这个计划很可能会成功。possibility She saw the possibility of success of the scheme from the very beginning. 要是服务真的那么糟糕,你为什么不向经理投诉?complain If the service was really so bad, why didn’t you complain about it to the manager? 她永远忘不掉她儿子在许多听众面前绝妙地弹奏钢琴的那个晚上。audience She will never forget the evening when her son played the piano wonderfully before a large audience 据说所有的房子将在下个月推倒。pull down All the houses here are said to be pulled down next week. 为了养家糊口,她在业余时间忙于给人家缝缝补补。support In order to support her family, she had to be busy doing some sewing for others in her spare time. 对不起,电梯坏了,你只好走上楼了。work I’m sorry to tell you that the lift doesn’t work/has gone wrong and you’ll have to walk upstairs. 最使我生气地是他的懒散而不是他得无知。not…but What annoyed me most was not his ignorance but his laziness. 为了弥补失去的时间,我们每个人工作的更加努力了。、make up for To make up for the lost time, every one of us worked even harder. 这本用了十多年的词典还在使用。be in use The dictionary that I have been using for over ten years is still in use 在学习英语方面, 阅读被认为是最重要的方法之一。consider Reading is considered one of the most important methods in learning English. 一份防病顶得上十分治病。worth An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure 他突然想到他决不应该做这种事情。occur It suddenly occurred to him that this was something he should never do./


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