The sun also rises剧本.doc

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The sun also rises剧本

The Sun Also Rises Jake Barnes杰克·巴恩斯: an American journalist living in Paris, World War I wound has made him impotent 居住在巴黎,在一战中受伤失去性能力的美国记者 Lady Brett Ashley 布雷特·阿施利: a twice-divorced Englishwoman, numerous love affairs 离过两次婚,纸醉金迷、恣意放纵的英国女人 Robert Cohn罗伯特·科恩: a?Jew ,Brett rejected his advances 被布雷特·阿施利拒绝的犹太追求者 Romero罗梅罗: a 19-year-old matador 19岁的斗牛士 Bill Gorton比尔·戈顿: Jack’s friend 杰克的朋友 Mike Campbell麦克·坎贝尔Bretts fiancé 布雷特的未婚夫 Chapter One in Paris. In the opening scenes, Jake plays tennis with his college friend Robert Cohn. 1 Jake:Hey. Cohn, Let’s play tennis. (嘿,伙计,打球去。) Cohn :Go! (走啊,看我怎么虐你) runs into Brett in a nightclub夜总会 Two Jake is joined by Bill , recently arrived from New York, and Bretts fiancé Mike, who arrives from Scotland. 1 Bill and Mike : hi ,Jake (Jake ,吃了没?) Jake: hi, you guys (吃得饱饱哒) Bill: shall we go fishing? (钓鱼,约不?) Jake: why not? (约约约!) Jake and Bill travel south and meet Cohn at Bayonne巴约讷 for a fishing trip in the hills丘陵northeast of Pamplona潘普洛纳. Instead of fishing, Cohn stays in Pamplona潘普洛纳.to wait for Brett and Mike. Cohn had an affair with Brett a few weeks earlier and still feels possessive占有的 of herdespite her engagement to Mike. 3 Cohn: sweetie, Is there anyone nicer than you exists in the world? (小甜甜,世界上还有比你更甜的人吗?) Brett: be quiet, dear, just enjoy it (死鬼,憋说话,抱紧我) After Jake and Bill enjoy five days of fishing, they rejoin the group in Pamplona潘普洛纳. All begin to drink heavily. During the fiesta宗教节日 the characters drink, eat, watch the running of the bulls奔牛节, attend bullfights斗牛, and bicker斗嘴 with each other. Jake introduces Brett to the 19-year-old matador斗牛士 Romero at the Hotel Montoya蒙


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