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作业要求: 将英文文本译成汉语 作业提交时间:14周(周三) 打印稿、手写版均可 班级: 酒店13-1 姓名:徐欢欢 学号:1370303122 Grandpas Trunk 祖父的行李箱 Act 1. Ellen: Marilyn, you want coffee or tea? Marilyn,你是要咖啡还是茶? Marilyn: Coffee, please. 请来点咖啡。 Ellen: I am so excited! At this time tomorrow morning, Grandpa will be sitting in the kitchen with us. 我感到好兴奋! 明早这时候, 爷爷就和我们一起坐在厨房里啦。 Marilyn: When does he arrive? 他什么时候到? Ellen: At six 0clock this evening. 今晚六点。 Marilyn: By plane? 坐飞机来? Ellen: No, by train. 不,坐火车。 Marilyn: Are we picking him up at the station? 我们要去车站接他吗? Ellen: Not Grandpa. He doesnt want anybody picking him up. He likes to be independent. 那就不是我们爷爷啦。 他不愿意让别人接他。 他喜欢独立。 Marilyn: Huh. 哦。 Ellen: Oh, lets go upstairs and prepare Grandpas room. 对,我们上楼去准备爷爷的房间。 Marilyn: Great! Lets do it! 好!我们去准备! Richard: Good morning, Mom. 早安,妈妈。 Robbie: Morning. 早安。 Ellen: Well, hi,fellas. 你们大家好。 Richard: Hello. 好。 Marilyn: Hi,honey. 嗨,亲爱的。 Richard: Hi, honey. 嗨,亲爱的。 Robbie: Morning, Marilyn. 早安,Marilyn。 Marilyn: Were going upstairs to set up Grandpas room. Theres coffee ready. 我们要上楼去收拾一下爷爷的房间。 咖啡准备好了。 Robbie: Im really excited about seeing Granpa. 一想到要见到爷爷我就感到兴奋。 Richard: Me, too. Milk, please. 我也一样。请给我牛奶。 Robbie: Hes so funny. He always makes me laugh. I hope Grandpas going to like living with us. 他很有趣。他总是让我发笑。我希望爷爷喜欢和我们住在一起。 Richard: I think he will. It just takes time to fell comfortable in a new place. 我想会的。 总是需要一段时间才能适应一个新的环境。 Robbie: Wont he miss being in Florida? 他不会想念佛罗里达吗? Richard: Will, he will. But I think hell like being here with the family. 他会的。 但我想他也会乐意和全家人住在这儿。 Robbie: Are you sure about that? Its crazy here most of the time. 你能肯定吗?这儿经常吵吵闹闹的。 Richard: But its fun. 但很有趣。 Robbie: Thats for sure. 说的也是。 Richard:


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