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淮北一中2012-2013学年度高二上学期第三次月考 英语试题 第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 21.----We often climb Xiang Shan. Hiking is ___great fun. A.a; the B./; the C.the; / D./; a 22.Stephen is ___telling lies,which makes none of us like him. A.instantly B.accurately C.constantly D.entirely 23.When you look for a job,it’s not your book knowledge but your experience ____matters more. A.whether B.which C.what D.that 24.The news came,as expected,____my cousin was chosen to be a foreign aid doctor to Africa. A.it B.that C.what D.which 25.-----Where have you been? ------I got caught in traffic; otherwise I _____here sooner. A.would be B.have been C.had been D.would have been 26.Some students often listen to music______classes to refresh themselves. A.between B.among C.over D.during 27.When talking about his unhappy experiences,he can’t help___a sad sigh. A.letting go B.letting in C.letting out D.letting away 28.----What shall we do this weekend,Tina? ------_____.Whatever you want to do is OK with me. A.All right B.It just depends C.It’s up to you D.Glad to hear that 29.Hardly ____the house when he was caught. A.the thief had entered B.had the thief entered C.entered the thief D.was the thief entering 30.I find _____impossible for me to work out this math problem alone,so I’ll go to ask Mr.Lin for help. A.one B.that C.this D.it 31.----What should I do ? -----You should slow the bleeding by _____pressure to the wound until the police and ambulance arrive. A.squeezing B.devoting C.applying D.providing 32.Do please _____your work;you muse concentrate on w hat is important for your future development. A.refer to B.adapt to C.ralate to D.attend to 33.Studies show that people are more_____to suffer from back problems if they always sit before computer screen for long hours. A.likely B.possible C.probable D.sure 34.I was completely______by the


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