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0938翻译:十三岁的际遇 (田晓菲)?Translation: A Turn of Event At Age Thirteen (Tian Xiaofei)(translated by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)第一次知道这世界上存在着一个“北大”,是在我七岁的时候。I was seven years old when I first came across (1) the existence of “PKU” in this world.那天,偶尔从抽屉里翻出一张泛黄的照片,On that day, I took out a yellowish photograph from a drawer by chance.上面是一片沉静而美丽的湖光塔影。The photo had a serene and beautiful scene with glitters and towers reflected off surface of a lake.我目不转睛地注视着这似曾相识的风景,I gazed fixedly at this seemingly familiar scenery.一些莫名的惊奇、喜悦与感动,从自己那充满渴望的内心悄悄升起。An unexplainable bout of surprise, delight and fascination emerged unaware from my eager mind.母亲告诉我:这,就是北大。My mother told me that was Peking University.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10岁,乘汽车从北大校门口经过。One day at the age of ten, the bus I took passed by the front gate of PKU.身边的阿姨唤我快看快看,An aunt by my side told me to look quickly.我却扭过头去,口里说着:才不呢!But I deliberately turned my head the other way and said: “I won’t.现在若看了,以后再来上学不就“不新鲜”了吗?If I see it now, then all the novelties would be gone when I come to school here later.”-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------我从未怀疑过我要成为北大的学生。My compulsion to become a PKU student never wavered.那份稚气十足的自信,似乎预示了一段奇妙的/view/393146.htm尘缘。That childlike self-confidence seemed to prognosticate an intriguing destiny.只是我没有想到,我会这么快就实现了童年的梦想;The only thing I never anticipated was how soon my childhood dream became reality.而且,在白驹过隙的弹指一瞬,这已是我来到北大的第三个秋天。In a flash, this is the third autumn since I came to PKU. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------蓦然回首,我仿佛认出了两年前的自己:短短的头发,天真的目光,还不满14岁,完全是个一脑子浪漫念头的小女孩,对什么都充满了兴趣与好奇。In looking back, seemingly I could still remember my two-year-ago self as a little girl with short hair, innocent eye-expressions, a young age at less than fourteen, romanticized thoughts, and all-encompassing interests combined with c


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