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阜宁县实验初中9B综合练习 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( ) 1. —Is Mr. Ma Yun ________ university teacher? —No. He used to be, but he has been _____ CEO of Alibaba Group for years. ?? A. a; a????????? ??? B. an; /?? C. the; the???? ???? D. a; / ( ) 2. —I Which country would you like to go for ________ study, Jack? —We haven’t solved the problem of _____ it is necessary for him to study abroad. A. far; that B. farther; where C. further; whether D. more; that ( ) 3. —Jim, you look worried. Why? —I wonder ____________ with it and I’d like to know whether it ___________. A. what’s wrong; needs repairing B. what the matter is; needs to be repaired C. what wrong is, need repair D. what’s the matter; need repairing ( ) 4. I heard there _______ a robot exhibition in the shopping mall the next day. A. would be B. is going to be C. was going to have D. will be ( ) 5. If a robot can help me with my housework, I can stay in bed for a(n) _____ hour in the morning. A. another B. Extra C. Other D. More ( ) 6. A few days later, my air-conditioner ______ in the waiting room in the hospital, and most of sick children got worse. A. became wrong B. went wrong C. broke away D. turned bad ( ) 7. William Shakespeare made _______ much contribution to English literature that the world _______ him as a Master of Plays. A. so; thought B. such; considered C. such; think D. so; consider ( ) 8. —Listen! Someone is crying for help for the river. —Oh, hurry up! _____ be my little brother Jackie. He was playing with a hid dog over there. A. It must B. This can C. It can D. This must ( ) 9. —Excuse me, John, you’ve cut it into halves, but which is for me? —I don’t care. You can ______ half. They are exactly the same. A. each B. any C. either D. other ( ) 10. —Bob, have you ________ your lost smart phone? —I _____ it, but failed yesterday. A. found out; tried to find B. found; managed to find C. looked for; managed search


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