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六个方面研究如何根据足迹分析人身特点 On six aspects according to the footprint analysis of personal characteristics 足迹是受人体结构形态制约的足或足着物与承痕体接触所形成的痕迹。现场上遗留足迹多,其隐含的信息量大,每一个足迹都与行为人的活动密切联系,它储存着形象痕迹特征、行走习惯特征和附属特征等信息。 Footprint is restricted by structural shape of human foot or foot and bear the mark body contacts are formed. Footprints left on the site, the amount of information hidden in large, close contact activities every footprint and human behavior, it stores the image features of traces, walking habit characteristics and subsidiary characteristic information.   一、根据足迹判断行为人性别 A footprint, according to judgment on gender   男女由于性别的差异、生理的不同特点以及社会生活条件和劳动状况等不同,其脚印特征也有不同的反映。分析其中差异,有助于通过现场足迹判断行为人的性别。 Men and women due to gender differences, the different physiological characteristics and social living conditions and labor conditions, its footprint characteristics also have different reflection. Analysis of the difference, help through on-site footprint judgment on gender.   (一)男性足迹的反映特征 ( a ) reflect the characteristics of male footprint   男性与女性相比,身材较高大,骨骼较粗大,脚也较大较长,脚弓较高,步幅也较大。男性赤脚一般在23cm-26cm之间,即使是相同长度的男女脚印,男性脚掌宽大于女性;而且男性脚印在现场的反映的起落脚有力,跨步大,步宽较窄,蹬、踏、压痕反映很明显,压力不均匀;多出现作用力强的习惯痕迹特征,如磕痕、挖痕等。 Males compared with females, the stature is tall, skeletal coarse, foot is larger and longer, the arch is higher, stride length is larger. Male barefoot is generally between 23cm-26cm, even for the same length of the male and female footprints, male feet wider than female and male; footprints in the site reflects the strong landing foot, step, step width is narrow, pedal, pedal, indentation reflect obviously, uneven pressure; more powerful custom trace characteristics, such as knock marks, digging trace.   男性鞋长一般在23.5cm-30cm之间,多为三型、三型半、四型;鞋底边缘相对不完整,前尖外侧和内纵弓多出现虚边。鞋底总体结构和各部花纹都较宽、粗。 Male shoe length is generally between 23.5cm-30cm, for the type three, type three, type four; the edge of the sole relatively incomplete, before the sharp lateral and longitudinal arch appeared virtual edge. The sole structure and ea


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