沪教牛津版 6B Module 2教案.doc

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Module 2 Unit 1 Period 1 Teaching Aims: Using demonstratives to refer to people or objects e.g. These …are… Key Points: These …are… Cousin, grandson, granddaughter, niece, nephew Difficult Points: Cousin, grandson, granddaughter, niece, nephew Teaching Aids: tape、 radio 、word cards. Procedures Contents Methods Purpose Warming up Pre-task preparation 1.Reading 2.Daily talk: 1.Revision: 2. New words Ps T—P What are the stars like in the sky? What must we do to stop pollution? Read and recite. What must you do as a pupil 1 Introduce: relatives, explaining that our relatives are people we are related to. They are the people in our family and extended family. 2 Draw a simplified version of your family tree on the board. As you are drawing, remind students that a family tree shows your relatives. It shows how they are related to each other and to you. 日常会话的操练,有助于帮助学习有困难的学生增加自信心。 复习巩固,为新授做准备。 先教授单词,同时带出难词难句。 While-task procedure Post-task activities Assignment relationship of family members 2. Look and learn. 2.family trees 1.Exercise Read and write. 1.Grandmother-grandson,granddaughter 2.husband,wife aunt,uncle—niece,nephew cousin--cousin Listen and repeat the new words. Quick response. Who’s your father’s brother? Who’syourgrandmother’s husband? Look and say: Who are these people? He’s/She’s Alice’s father/brother/sister/cousin/uncle/aunt These are our grandsons. These are our nephews. Draw and say: p’s family trees. photocopiable page 37 1. Look and say. 2 .Copy the new words. 3.Make a family tree and say. 通过图示让学生清楚明白nephew,niece,cousin,grandson,granddaughter等生词的确切含义。 快速反应激励学生积极思维,尽快反应各家庭成员间的关系。 说说做做练练中,让学生掌握关键句型。 Module 2 Unit 1 Period 2 Teaching Aims: Using formulaic expressions to express good wisher e.g. Happy Birthday! Key Points: Happy Birthday! Difficult Points: Cousin, grandson, granddaughter, niece, nephew Teaching Aids: tape、 radio 、word cards. Procedures Content


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