初一 奥林匹克英语竞赛试题.doc

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初一年级奥林匹克英语竞赛试题 班别:_______ 姓名:_________ 成绩:________ I、单项选择(共15小题;每小题2分,计30分) (  )1.英语中有两个字母可以单独成词,是: ??? A. O U????????? B. Y O?????? C. I A????????? D.? Y U? (  )2.下列缩略词中不代表国家的是: A.PRC??? B. UN? C.UK??? D. USA??? (  )3. 总的说来,英语名词可以分为: A.可数名词和不可数名词 ? B.单数名词和复数名词  C.专有名词和复数名词   D. 专有名词和普通名词 (  )4.单词首字母都要大写的一项是: A.姓名;国家名称 ??   B.月份;缩略词????? C.英语书名;职务名词???? ?? D.英语地名;数词????? (  )5. 判断下列缩写词不达意的正确全称:HK和PE A. Hong Kong, Peasant Education B. Han Kou, Physical Education C.?Hong Kong, Physical Education D.?Han Kou, Parents’ Enjoyment (  )6. The flower ______ very nice. ?? A. has????????? B. are???????? C. comes??????????? D. looks (  )7. I want a sweater ______ this red one. ?? A. like????????? B. look like??? C. looks like???????? D. likes (  )8. Please? _____ the car black. ? ? A. to color?????? B. coloring??? C. color???????????? D. colors (  )9. What’s the time ____ your watch? A. on??????????? B. by???????? C. of?????????????? D. in (  )10. _______ shoes are these? They are John’s. A. Whose???????? B. Who’s???? C. Who???????????? D. Who are? (  )11. You must look after your clothes _______. A. good????????? B. nice??????? C. well???????????? D. fine (  )12. —Jim, is this your book? —No, it’s _______. A. her?????????? B. my???????? C. Lucy’s and Lily’s? D. his (  )13. There’s ____”m” and _____ “u” in “music”. A. a, an????????? B. an, a??????? C. an, an?????????? D. a, a (  )14. —What’s a hundred and two _____ ninety-sever. —It’s five. A. of??????????? B. minus?????? C. to????????????? D. plus (  )15. Miss Gao is our teacher. She teaches _____ English. A. my?????????? B. me????????? C. our??????????? D. us II阅读理解 (共10小题;选择题5小题,每小题2分;非选择题5小题,每小题2分,计20 分) A My father has a good friend in his factory. He’s an old man. He is 58. all the children like him. We call him Uncle Wang. He comes from England. He lives in Beijing. He can’t speak Chinese. We teach him Chinese. He teaches us English. He does


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