Glories of the Storm翻译.doc

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Glories of the Storm翻译

Glories of the Storm by Nancy M. Peterson 肖波译 暴风雨的力量 It begins when a feeling of stillness creeps into my consciousness. Everything has suddenly gone quiet. Birds do not chirp. Leaves do not rustle. Insects do not sing 一种万物静止的感觉在我心头隐约出现当暴风雨出现时,一切都变得那么的安静,鸟儿停止了叽叽喳喳,树叶停止了摆动,虫儿也停止了歌唱。 The air that has been hot all day becomes heavy. It hangs over the trees, presses the heads of the flowers to the ground, sits on my shoulders. With a vague feeling of uneasiness I move to the window. There, in the west, lies the answer--cloud has plied on cloud to form a ridge of mammoth white towers, rearing against blue sky. 一天中都燥热的空气开始变得沉重起来,它盘旋在树头,把花儿都压倒了地上,停留在我的肩膀。一种模糊的不安驱使我走向了窗口,在那里,在西边,我找到了答案,大片的云构成了白塔似的山脊,对抗着蓝天。 Their piercing whiteness is of brief duration. Soon the marshmallow rims flatten to anvil tops, and the clouds reveal their darker nature. They impose themselves before the late-afternoon sun, and the day darkens early. Then a gust of wind whips the dust along the road, chill warning of what is to come. 刺眼的白色短暂的持续着,一会儿,棉花糖似的云边变得像铁毡一样平展,云彩露出了他们黑暗的本性,他们遮挡住了午后的阳光,让黑夜更早的降临,然后一阵大风猛抽着路上的灰尘,无情的警告着什么将会到来。 In the house a door shuts with a bang, curtains billow into the room. I rush to close the windows, empty the clothesline, secure the patio furnishings. Thunder begins to grumble in the distance. 房间里,门被大风吹得帮的一声关了起来,窗帘被吹进了房间里,我急忙过去关上窗户,收好衣服,盖好庭院家具。雷声开始在远方滚滚而来。 The first drops of rain are huge. They split into the dust and imprint the windows with individual signatures. They plink on the vent pipe, and plunk on the patio roof. Leaves shudder under their weight before rebounding, and the sidewalk wears a coat of shiny spots. 刚开始雨滴很大,他们下的尘土飞扬,在窗户上留下了自己的印记。通气管和院顶被雨水打的乒乓作响。树叶被雨点砸的瑟瑟发抖,人行道上激起了无数闪闪发光的水泡。 The rhythm accelerates; plink follows plunk faster and faster until the sound Is a roll of drums and the individual drops become an army marching over fields and rooftops. Now the first bolt of tightening stabs the earth. It is heavens exclamation point. The storm is here! 节奏在不断地


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