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葡萄酒的选购秘诀  对我们来说,葡萄酒专卖店就象游乐场。我们每见到一家卖葡萄酒的店都会进去逛逛。在一排排的酒柜间徜徉,是多么地快乐。熟悉的酒就像老朋友,令人开怀──“你看,他们也有一瓶Bully Hill”──看到以前没见过的酒,那乐趣就更大了。但我们明白,很多人被葡萄酒店搞得晕头转向,无所适从,或者干脆就令他们讨厌。所有的葡萄酒,所有的标签,以及所有瓶颈上挂的卡片都声称该酒被某个酒评家在某个种类的酒中评为90分(通常还是不同的年份)。葡萄酒货架上陈列的所有的酒几乎无一例外。  To us, a wine shop is a playground. We stop at almost every one we see and always enjoy strolling along the aisles. Its fun to see old friends - Look, they have a Bully Hill - and even more fun to see labels that are new to us. But we understand that many people find wine stores confusing, overwhelming or just plain annoying. All those wines, all those labels, all those neck cards claiming a 90-point rating from someone for just about every wine on the shelf (and often for a different vintage to boot).  因此,太多的消费者被吓退到他们熟悉的酒上去,比如味道一般般、称不上美妙的霞多丽酒(Chardonnay),不过肯定也还过得去。或者他们干脆全凭标签来选酒,正因为这一点,酒标上充斥着林林总总的小动物图案,足够填满诺亚方舟的了。真是可惜啊,因为好葡萄酒店要提供不同价位且令人感兴趣的酒,而且品种还要不断地变化。  As a result, too many consumers fall back on the familiar, like that so-so Chardonnay thats not great, but certainly OK, or they choose entirely based on labels, which accounts for the herd of critter quaffers on shelves that feature enough animals to outfit an ark. This is a shame because good wine stores offer an ever-changing array of interesting wines at all price ranges.  在这篇专栏中,我们要着重谈谈你应该买或远离的酒。我们并不认为消费者在踏入葡萄酒店时都应该怀揣一张清单,上面清楚明白地罗列着哪些酒该买、哪些不该买。相反,我们尽量缩小范围。我们的老读者们应该已经大概了解哪些类型的葡萄酒最可能有好的性价比。即使我们自己──当我们步入大型葡萄专卖店时──也需要立即做出判断:哪些角落里最有可能找到我们可以在下班后享用的酒。想必略懂赌博的人也都如此吧,即集中心思在最有胜算机率的游戏上而避开其它的。  In this column, we focus on types of wine you should embrace or avoid. We dont think consumers should have to walk into a store with a long list of specific wines to buy or shun. Instead, were trying to make the wine shop smaller. Regular readers should be gaining a general sense of which types of wine are most likely to offer good value. Even we - when we walk into a large store - need to make some immediate judgments about where we think well have the greatest chance of success finding wines t


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