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1 Learning English in a New Environment? I was a little shy about talking to people when I firstarrived in America , but I had a strong desire to broaden myhorizons and meet new people . Once I gathered the courage tostart conversations with people , I found how easy it was tomake new friends .Every day , I heard enough new English expressions to make myhead spin . I found that when I was honest and asked about themeanings of?unfamiliar1?expressions , Americans were veryhelpful and took pains to explain them to me .Native speakers of English tend to speak very fast , and atfirst I was just?stunned2?and looked at them with a dazedexpression on my face . I solved that problem by asking peopleto speak more slowly . broaden ? 开阔,拓宽? horizon ? 眼界,视野? courage? 勇气? spin? 晕头转向? take pains to explain 煞费苦心地解释? tend to speak 倾向于说? stunned ? 惊愕地? dazed 茫然地? 在新的环境中学习英语? 第一次到美国,与人说话时我总有些害羞,但是我非常渴望能够开阔视野,结识新朋友。当我鼓起勇气开始与人交谈,我发现原来结交新朋友是多么容易的事啊。? 每天耳边出现的繁多的新英语表达法把我弄得晕头转向。我发现当我诚实地向美国人询问那些不熟悉的说法的意思时,他们非常乐于助人,并煞费苦心地向我解释。? 以英语为母语的人说话一般很快,一开始我只能惊愕地一脸茫然地看着他们。我让他们说得慢一些,这样我就解决了这个问题 2 Too Difficult To Spell? A policeman returned to his police station one evening andreported to the?sergeant1?that he had found an old car with nolicense plates .“ Where was it? ” asked the sergeant . “ In EcclesiastesStreet , beyond the bridge ,” answered the policeman .The sergeant opened the report book and began to write . Heasked the policeman how to spell the name of the street , buthe was not sure whether the spelling was correct . At last hedecided the name was too difficult for him to spell . So heordered the policeman to write the report . The policeman alsotried to spell the name of the street , but he couldnt ,either . Then the policeman put his helmet on and began towalk out slowly .“ Where are you going? ” the sergeant asked .“ Back to Ecclesiastes Street ,” answered the policeman . “Im going to push the car round the corner into Green Street.” sergeant ? 警官? license2?plate 汽车牌照? helmet ? 头盔? 太难拼写?


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