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第四章 菲涅耳公式Fresnel formula 反射定律law of refection reflection law 折射定律1.【化】 refraction law 2.【医】 law of refraction 入射角1.an angle of incidence; an angle of reflection 2.【计】 angle of arrival; angle of incidence 3.【化】 incident angle 4.【医】 angle of incidence 全反射total reflection 折射波refracted wave 波长wavelength 折射率refractive index; refractivity; index of refraction; refracture index; refracting power 临界角1.【化】 critical angle 2.【医】 critical angle; limiting angle 相速度 phase velocity 电磁波 Hertzian waves electromagnetic wave ;electromagnetic wave; ether wave; Hertzian wave; Hertz wave 同性介质 Same-sex media 平行 parallel parallelism 1.(等级相同, 没有隶属关系的) of equal rank; on an equal footing; parallel 2.(同时进行的) simultaneous; parallel 3.{数} parallel 能流energy flux; fluence 波矢wave vector 麦氏方程组Maxwell equations 单色 black and white homochromatism homochromy black and white; monochrome 偏振polarization 超前speed-up; outstrip; lead; leading; preact; prediction; {航海} advance; advancing 圆偏振 1.【化】 circular polarization 2.【医】 circular polarization; circumpolarization 线偏振1.【化】 linear polarization 2.【医】 plane polarization 轨迹方程 翻译: Locus equation 焦耳热Joule heat 金属导体 【化】 electronic conductor; metallic conductor 单位面积 1.【计】 unit area 2.【经】 unit area 消耗1.(因使用或损失而渐渐减少) consume; use up; expend 2.(使消耗) deplete 3.[书] (音信) message 积分1.{数} integral; integrate; integration 2.{体} (积累的分数) accumulate points 倾斜bias; tilt; dip; lean; incline; slope; slant; favour 衰减attenuation; decay; damping; reduction; rejection; weakening; deamplification; dampening; dying out 无限长 翻译: Infinite 完全封闭 翻译: Complete closure 波模 {电} (传输模式) mode; transmission 亥姆霍兹方程 Helmholtz equation 波导管 waveguide 磁场 {物} (传递运动电荷或电流之间相互作用的物理场) magnetic field 微波 1 .microwave; wavelet 2.【计】 microwave 3.【医】 flucticuli; microwave; ultrashort wave 驻波 standing wave; stationary wave 截止频率 1.【计】 cut-off frequency 2.【化】 cut-off frequency 谐振腔 cavity resonator; cavity; resonant cavity; {讯} resonant chamber;


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