unit 1How to Improve Your Study Habits 课文.doc

unit 1How to Improve Your Study Habits 课文.doc

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unit 1How to Improve Your Study Habits 课文

Unit 0ne How to Improve Your Study Habits 一、Vocabulary 1. average 1)adj.表示“平均的; 一般的”,后面的名词一般用单数形式,其前常用定冠词“the”。 e.g. Whats the average salary of the white collars in the U.S.?美国白领的平均收入是多少? 2)n.可作“平均数;平均;平均水平”解。作“平均数”解时,一般要定冠词the,作“平均,平均水平”解时,和above,below等介词连用,定冠词可有可无。 e.g.The average 8,14,and 17 is 13.8,14和17的平均数是13。 The freshmens ability is above(the)average.新生的能力在中等以上。 2. list list意思是‘‘单子,清单,名单”,in the list主要用于英国英语,on the list主要用于美国英语。 e.g. Mulans name is in the recruitment list because she wanted to take instead of her old father.木兰的名字出现在新兵,征收名单上,因为她想顶替她年迈的父亲。 Duke University stands the fourth on the list 0f American renowned universities.杜克大学在美国最著名的大学名单上排行第四。 “列表,列清单”可译为make a list;make up alist;draw up a list;compile a list等。 3. schedule,chart schedule:n.时间表,日程表 v.将……列入计划表 chart:n.指用曲线等表示气象、商情、时间分配等情况的图表v.用图表表示或说明 4. distractions e.g.Chairman Mao could focus On his study by sitting under the city gate full of the noise Of distractions.毛主席能在噪音干扰的城门下专心学习。 5. Skim before you read. skim,scan,skip skim指快速读过去,以得到主旨大意,作“翻阅”解;scan是为了获得某个具体信息而浏览一遍,作“查阅”解;skip作“跳读,略过”解。 e.g.My fathers only favorite hobby is to skim over all kinds of scientific newspapers every day.我父亲的唯一嗜好就是每天翻阅各种科技报纸。 My English teacher assigned me to read the first three chapters carefully and scanned the rest of the book within the spring break. 我的英语老师布置我春假期间仔细阅读这书的前三章,并浏览完其余章节。 We have to skipUnitl2 due to the limited time of this term.因为本学期时间的缘故,我们不得不跳过第十二章。 6. double 1)v.使增加一倍;是……的两倍; 加倍 e.g.The workers will double their efforts t0 fulfill the task ahead of time.工人们加倍努力提id完成任务 2)n.双倍 adi.两倍的,双倍的,供两者使用的 adv.双倍地 e.g.The double of six is 12.六的两倍是十二。 We have to reserve the room with a double bed.我们得定双人房间。 Walk at double the speed or you will be late.加速前进,否则就会晚了。 7. mention v.提到,说到;写到 e.g.Diana mentioned it to her close friends that she had already been bored with the news cycles.戴安娜向她的密友们提到她已讨厌新闻界了。 二、Phrases l_fill in:write in,put in填入,填写 Please fill


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