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《英美报刊选读》模拟卷 考试形式:闭卷 考试时间:90分钟 I. Translate the following terms into Chinese.( 30×1′= 30′) 1.Blue Berets 2.exit poll 3. same-sex marriage 4.discount store 5. property tax 6.unemployables 7. elevated highways 8.information superhighway 9. cellular phone 10. talk show II. Translate the following sentences. ( 5?? 30? 1.As long as people feel embarrassed, restrained or openly criticized for using a particular language, it’s only natural for them to want to avoid continuing to do what’s causing a negative response, whether it’s something overt like having your mouth washed out or more subtle like discrimination. 2.In the United States and Australia in past decades, the government forced native peoples to abandon their languages through vehicles such as boarding schools that punished youth for speaking a traditional tongue. 3.By the time of last week抯 election, she had won over all but the most partisan of criticsa. 4.Text messaging is being used effectively by two colleges in West Yorkshire as a way of communicating with students. As well as sending them reminders about lessons and dealines, the phones are being used for learning games and revision exercises. 5.The meeting certainly produced more than the usual photo ops and spin– and its participants did not go away yelling at one another as they have in the past. VIII. Reading Comprehension ( 20??40? ingDirections: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Passage one: Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. Violence Can Do Nothing to Diminish Race Prejudice In some countries where racial prejudice is acute, violence has so come to be taken for granted as a means of solving differences, that it is not even questioned. There are countries where the white man i


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