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提高SAT写作得分要领朗阁海外考试研究中心如何提高SAT得分?SAT得分的关键在哪点呢?相信在整个备考过程中大家都是根据这些疑问进行的,朗阁SAT培训的老师根据这些疑问分享得分要领,希望帮助考生备考。SAT的作文主体段主要是以举例论证为主。因此,首先我们必须选择2-3个适合主题的例子,并且每个大类的例子只能举一个,不能重复举例。比如,假如你说了一个爱因斯坦的例子以后,就不能再用居里夫人作为例子了。接下来,你就必须很详细地描述这个例子为什么能够支持你的论点。在此过程中,你就需要在例子的细节、句式使用的合理性和准确性、词汇使用的精准性以及逻辑关系等方面入手。下面我就以上篇中我们提到的二个题目来具体分析如何将一个4分的主体段改写到6分:Directions: Consider carefully the following statement and the assignment below it.Cleanliness and order are not matters of instinct; they are matters of education, and like most great things, you must cultivate a taste for them.——Benjamin DisraeliAssignment: What is your view of the idea that cleanliness and order require education and cultivation? In an essay, support your position by discussing an example (or examples) from literature, science and technology, the arts, current events, or your own experience or observation.这个题目的4分范文的主体段是这样来写的:Many abilities are the result of genes, like being good at music. Is there exists a clean gene? Maybe families with clean and orderly homes got that gene, and pass it on to their children. We may think that it is the parents that make kids rooms clean. We may think its parents nagging:go clean your room or youre grounded. But some people may really and truly have a gene that helps them clean and organize. Others are born sloppy.If education were the main thing, a family like mine couldnt exist. Everyone in my family was trained to be neat and clean. My sister and I turned out pretty much orderly and neat but my younger brothers room always looks like a tornadoe hit it. Now my sister and I have brown eyes and my brothers eyes are blue. Maybe he didnt get the clean gene, just like he didnt get brown eyes.看完以后,我们发现,其实这二段作者已经比较充分地完成了例证的任务,在语言组织上尽管有一些拼写错误,但是我们可以看到他对于想要选择合适语法及句式所做的努力和尝试。然而,文章中出现了比较多的“陈词滥调”或者说在SAT语法考试中我们要极力避免的文法错误。如“really”和“truly”、“more and more”等。此外,所使用词汇比较普通,并未出现任何亮点词汇;一些表达存在严重意思错误,如“is there exists a clean gene?”;再有就是句型结构缺乏多样性。上述种种问题导致了主体段的得分不会很高。所以接下来,笔者就针对这些方面的弱点进行逐一修改,增加了一些描写的同时删去了错误部分,就有了以下的文章:T


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