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Pride and Prejudice Scene 1 MRS BENNET: My dear Mr Bennet, have you heard that Netherfield Park is let at last? (contd) Do you not want to know who has taken it? MR BENNET: As you wish to tell me, I doubt I have any choice in the matter. MRS BENNET: What a fine thing for our girls! MR BENNET: How can it affect them? MRS BENNET: My dear Mr Bennet, how can you be so tiresome! You know that he must marry one of them. MR BENNET: Oh, so that is his design in settling here? Good heavens. People. MRS BENNET: So you must go and visit him at once. At once! MR BENNET: There is no need, for I already have. MRS BENNET: You have? How can you tease me, Mr Bennet? Have you no compassion for my poor nerves? MR BENNET: You mistake me, my dear. I have a high respect for them; they have been my constant companions these twenty years. Scene 2 (several days later, at Sir William Lucas ball) Sir William Lucas arrives with Darcy and Bingley to introduce his daughter Charlotte and the Bennet family. Behind them the music and dancing restart where they left off. SIR WILLIAM: (to Mr Bingley) My eldest daughter you know, Mrs Bennet, Miss Jane Bennet, Elizabeth and Miss Mary Bennet. MRS BENNET: It is a pleasure. I have two others but they are already dancing. MR BINGLEY: Delighted to make your acquaintance. SIR WILLIAM: And may I introduce Mr Darcy. (Significant look) --- of Pemberley彭伯里, in Derbyshire德比郡 ! (达西退场) JANE: How do you like it here in Hertfordshire赫特福德郡, Mr Bingley? MR BINGLEY: (smiling at Jane shyly) Very much. LIZZIE: The library at Netherfield尼日斐花园, Ive heard, is one of the finest in the country. MR BINGLEY: Yes, it fills me with guilt. BINGLEY: Not a good reader, you see. I prefer being out of doors. I mean, I can read, of course and, and Im not suggesting you cant read outdoors --- of course. JANE: I wish I read more, but there always seems so many other things to do. BINGLEY: Thats exactly what I meant. (丽莎觉得自己多余,便黯然离开舞会现场) Lizzie and Charlotte


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