商务英语 BEC初级听力(超详细讲义).doc

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BEC初级听力 第一课时 听力考试介绍 40 分钟 (30+10) 4个部分 30个题 两种题型:选择、填空 (14,23) 听力来源:真实、没有偏见,都与商务有关 包括访谈、打电话、面对面的交谈、记录片 目的:测试听力技巧和策略 四个部分: 1部分:8段很短的谈话或独白 (15-30秒) 2部分:一段简短谈话或独白 (90秒) 3部分:一段独白 (2分钟以内) 4部分:一篇较长的正文 (3分钟) 1部分: 选择题 8个 3选项:文字、图片、图表、示意图 测试重点:测试学生 1 理解口语 2 获取事实性信息:名字、时间、地点、图表趋势、地图上/房间中某处位置等 2 部分 填空题 7个 试题:表格、统计表、图表、便条 测试重点:数字:日期、价格、百分比、数量、金额 3 部分 填空题 7个 试题:表格、记录 测试重点:单词 4 部分 选择题 8个 3选项:文字 内容:1. 一个人的独白;2. 两个人对话、访谈、谈话;3. 三个人讨论、会话 测试重点:1. 理解主旨的能力 2. 获取具体、详细信息的能力 3. 了解说话人意见的能力 试听体验 Test 1 Part 1 1 Why does the woman want the job? A to reduce travel time B to learn about the computers C to earn more money 2 When is the trade fair? 3 What is the purpose of todays meeting? A to discuss a merger plan B to obtain some advice C to sign a contract 4 Which chart shows this years sales? 5 How much will Emmas hotel bill be? 6 What will the finance company give advice about? A buying shares B setting up a small business C paying less tax 7 Which graph are they looking at? 8 Whats the problem with the seminar? A the speakers availability B the size of the room C the low number of bookings 听力原文: Listening Test 1 This is the Business English Certificate Preliminary 2,Listening Test 1. [pause] Part One. Questions 1 to 8. For questions 1-8 you will hear eight short recordings. For each question, mark one letter (A,B or C) for the correct answer. Here is an example: When were the machine parts sent? [pause] Woman: Mr Hooper rang. He needs those parts for the packing machine by the third. Man: Well, it’s already the first today… but wait … no, it’s OK. They were sent out on the thirty-first. Woman: Good. He’ll certainly get them by the third, then. [pause] The answer is A. Now we are ready to start. After you have listened once, replay each recording. [pause] One: Why does the woman want the job? [pause] Woman: I’m apply


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