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辽宁大连24中2013届高三英 语 试 题 第二部分英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分) .21. The bus to the Forbidden City runs on hour by hour. A. the; the B. an; the C. the; / D. an ; / 22.一 How can I use this fax machine? 一 Well, just read the first. A. expressions B. intrroductions C. instructions D. explanations 23.He always careful notes while he is listening to the teacher in class. A.will; take B./; took C. /; takes D. is; taking 24. —Boys, go and collect your things. The one who does well will get a useful reward. —Ok. A.so B.it C.one D. that 25. —Why dont you give up smoking? —You know I keep thinking of the question whether it is for me to change the habit of a life time. A.possibly B.probable C.likely D.possible 26. it is you obtain, you must tell your parents. A. Whatever; that B. Nomatterwhat; / C. What; that D. Whatever; / 27.The little child go out alone at night, so he walk in the dark that night. A. doesnt dare to; dared not to B. darent to; didnt dare to C. darent; dared not D. doesnt dare to; dare not 28. twice a year, whether it is a car or a bus or a truck, is the rule that every driver must obey in this city. A. Examining B. Examined C. Having been examined D. Being examined 29.— Who is the girl over there? — Isnt that the secretary you want the article? A. to have type B. her to type C. to have typed D. her type 30. —I think London is the best place for us. —I dont agree your opinion, for the climate there doesnt agree us. A. to; to B. to, with C. with; with D. with; to 31.— Mum, can I watch the TV program for another twenty minutes? — Sorry, dear, its time you to bed. A.went B.go C. will go D. must go 32.—Of how many states the United States made up? —Im not sure. A. are


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