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2014年英语六级翻译新题型预测 一、四大文明古国: 中国位于亚洲东部,是世界上人口最多的国家。中国是世界四大文明古国之一,拥有大量的中华文化光辉的古迹,此外,中国地大物博,拥有茂密的森林、雄伟壮丽的瀑布、秀丽的湖泊以及如利剑直插云霄的山峰,所有这些都令世界各国人民神往。但是,更重要的是,中国以拥有五千多年的历史而自豪,遗留下无数的历史文物,其中包括珍贵珠宝、古迹名胜、宫殿及数不尽的雄伟建筑,令人惊叹不已。这种种原因都促使中国成为许多人梦寐以求的旅游胜地。 【翻译词汇】   四大文明古国 the four countries that have an ancient civilization   地大物博? vast territory with abundant natural resources   雄伟壮丽的瀑布 magnificent waterfalls   秀丽的 majestic and beautiful   利剑 sword   古迹 historical remains   以…而自豪 boast   无数的 innumerable   历史文物 historical relics   古迹名胜 historic sites and scenic spots   建筑 edifice 【精彩译文】 China lies in the east of Asia and it has the largest population in the world. China is also one of the four countries in the world that have an ancient civilization, Besides, it has a vast territory with such abundant natural resources as dense forests, magnificent waterfalls, majestic and beautiful rivers and lakes, and mountains whose peaks reach high into the sky like swords. All these make China a singularly attractive place to tourists around the world. But, most importantly, China boasts a history of over five thousand years with innumerable historical relics left over from the long past, such as priceless pearls and jewels, historic sites and scenic spots, palaces and edifices of architectural richness, all of which have won people’s admiration. You are sure to find great enjoyment from all these attractions in China, a much-admired dream land. 二、筷子 中国人使用筷子已经有3?000多年的历史了。中国的筷子夹菜的一端是圆的,象征着天;另一端是方的,象征着地。这是因为,维持充足的食物供应是天地之间最重要的事情。中国有个古老的风俗,女子出嫁时要用筷子当嫁妆,因为“筷子”与“快子”谐音。根据中国的餐桌礼仪,吃饭时一直握着筷子是不礼貌的。将菜送入口中后,应立刻把筷子放下。吃饭时,用筷子指着别人会对其造成冒犯。 【翻译词汇】   筷子 chopsticks   维持 maintain   充足的 adequate   嫁妆 dowry   谐音 be pronounced the same as   餐桌礼仪 table manners   不礼貌的 impolite   冒犯 offend 【精彩译文】There has been a history of more than 3 000 years for the Chinese to have meals with chopsticks. Chinese chopsticks are round on the eating end which symbolizes the heaven, and the other end is square which symbolizes the earth. It is


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